Government: If Society Complies, COVID-19 Ends In July

JAKARTA - Chairperson of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 Doni Monardo asked the public to comply with health protocols during the coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic, such as maintaining distance, wearing masks when traveling, and washing hands. When the community obeys, Doni said, the spread of this virus will end soon and people can live normally again.

"The President asked us to be tough, urged the public to obey and be disciplined, asked the apparatus to be stricter so that in June we would be able to reduce COVID-19 cases and in July we could live normally again," Doni said in an online press conference broadcast. on the Cabinet Secretariat's YouTube account, Monday, April 27.

In addition, Doni also said that President Joko Widodo had requested that massive testing, aggressive tracking, and strict isolation for those suspected of being infected or already positive for COVID-19 could be carried out throughout April to May.

He also reminded that people have a collective awareness as well as the courage to admonish one another in an effort to maintain distance. "If anyone is approaching, we must avoid these people, including the courage to remind each other so that there is no crowd in a certain place," he said.

Even though he said that the pandemic would end, Doni explained that there was an increase in positive cases of COVID-19 in the regions. However, he did not mention the area in question. So, he asked that data collection on migrants from other cities must be carried out properly. This data collection, said Doni, is intended so that local governments can monitor people who have the potential to spread the virus in their area.

Not only collecting data, local governments must ensure that these migrants carry out independent isolation for 14 days. "It is mandatory for 14 days of independent isolation, following the health protocol for anyone who has just arrived in an area. This should be a priority program in villages and RT / RW," he said.

On the other hand, Doni said, COVID-19 is a natural cycle that occurs once every 100 years. This virus is the same as the Spanish Flu and the cholera epidemic that occurred hundreds of years ago.

"Nature is in the process of carrying out an activity which, when viewed from a 100-year cycle. Therefore, this Covid disaster has been designated nationally as a non-natural disaster," he said.

So, the public is expected to run the health protocol that has been decided by the government and not consider this virus to be something trivial.

Previously, the number of positive cases of COVID-19 currently reached 8,882 people or an additional 275 cases. Meanwhile, 1,107 patients recovered and 743 people died.

The government also recently announced that COVID-19 is more vulnerable to men. Based on data from the Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control of the Ministry of Health (Ditjen P2P Kemenkes) as of April 23, the number of male COVID-19 patients has reached 3,966 people. Meanwhile, the number of positive female patients reached 2,489 people.

Meanwhile, for the age group, the Ministry of Health noted, those infected with this virus were 18-65 years old on average. Meanwhile, if seen from the number of patients who died, both women and men with age 18-65 years were still relatively high. There were 285 male patients who died in this group, while 122 women were involved.