13 People In Aceh Freed After Remission

JAKARTA - A total of 13 inmates or assisted citizens were immediately released after receiving remission or reduction of the special punishment period of Idulfitri 1442 Hijriah.
The head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of Aceh Province Meurah Budiman in Banda Aceh on Saturday said the freed inmates were from four correctional institutions in Aceh.
"The 13 inmates were immediately released after receiving remission or reduced sentences of between 15 days to two months," said Meurah Budiman reported from Antara, Sunday, May 16.
The former Head of The Correctional Division of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Central Java said of the 13 inmates, two of them from the Correctional Institution (Prison) Class IIA Banda Aceh.
Then, eight inmates at The Langsa Class IIB Narcotics Prison, as well as an inmate from Class IIB Langsa Prison, and two inmates from Class IIB Prison Kutacane, Southeast Aceh.
"In addition to the free ones, the proposed 15 inmates can be reduced sentences, not issued remission decrees because the administrative requirements are incomplete," said Meurah Budiman.
Previously, said Meurah Budiman, as many as 4,833 inmates or assisted citizens in Aceh Province received remission or reduction of the eid al-Fitr 1442 Hijri/2020 AD.
"There are 4,833 assisted citizens received special remission of Eid al-Fitr this year. They are spread across 18 correctional institutions and eight state prisons in Aceh Province," said Meurah Budiman.
Meurah Budiman said of the 4,833 inmates who received special remission of Eid al-Fitr, 2,629 were general criminal inmates.
Meanwhile, 2,193 inmates related to PP Number 99 of 2021, namely related to drug crimes, terrorism, and corruption. As well as the rest of the inmates related to PP Number 28 Year 2006.
Meurah Budiman said the conditions for remission include good behavior which is proven not to be serving a disciplinary sentence in the last six months.
"For convicts of terrorism, drugs, and corruption there are additional conditions, willing to help law enforcement dismantle crimes committed, pay the full amount of fines and money in lieu of state losses and have participated in deradicalization programs," said Meurah Budiman.