Natural Leak, KM Fishing Port 118 Almost Drowned In The Indian Ocean

JAKARTA - Fishing boat KM Bandar Nelayan 188 crashed in the Indian Ocean, about 650 nautical miles west of Perth, Australia. Until now, the condition of the entire crew is not yet known.

Based on initial information received from the National Search and Rescue Agency (BASARNAS), Saturday, the ship manned by 26 Indonesian citizens (WNI) was leaked.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately coordinated with KJRI Perth which then intensively communicated with Australian authorities to seek the rescue of the crew.

Australian authorities have deployed aircraft to search the ship's location. Based on the observations, the ship is in a half-submerged position.

The plane has deployed a life raft and conducted radio communications but has not responded.

Rescue efforts are continuing by deploying additional assets in the form of the Australian Navy ship HMAS ANZAC and two Poseidon P8 aircraft. Other fishing boats in the vicinity were also asked to provide assistance.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and representatives of the Republic of Indonesia in Australia will continue to coordinate and communicate intensively with the Australian authorities to continue the rescue efforts of 26 INDONESIAN nationals aboard KM Bandar Nelayan 188," said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported from Antara.

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