Indonesia Overrun By Chinese Immigrants By Air And Monitored By Flight Radar, Really?

JAKARTA - @Salman's Facebook account caused a social media frenzy following the upload of the video on May 7. The narrative in the video is the invasion of foreign workers, China to Indonesia using charter aircraft.

The account features a voice-over video of radar footage stating there was a night flight containing foreign nationals. There's a motorcade of foreign immigrants.

"I've seen flight patterns like this for a long time. Everybody east, hand in hand. There is one two three four five six hands in hand to the east, located in the north of Java Island, there is in the Java Sea. The worry, which I worry about later the contents of foreign nationals, indeed want to be moved or just entered the territory of the Republic of Indonesia", the account wrote.

The uploader also expressed astonishment because usually on a normal day during a pandemic there is never such a schedule of flights. "This hour is empty on average, but it's here hand in hand and it's all moving," he explained.

Reported from Aero Indomagz, as written, Thursday, May 13, Salman's claim is wrong. President Director of AirNav Indonesia, M Pramintohadi Soekarno said, flights are not from abroad but domestically.

"The video contains Radar footage showing the flight in the north of Java island on Wednesday, May 5, early morning. AirNav ensures that the recording is not an Air Situation Display (ASD) display on AirNav Air Traffic Control (ATC) System in Surabaya, Makassar, Denpasar, or Jakarta", Pramintohadi was quoted as saying Thursday, May 13.


He explained that in the video, the recorder shows five flights he was suspected of containing foreign nationals. In fact, it is a scheduled flight with details GIA682 (Jakarta-Sorong) Departure 00.45 WIB. GIA654 (Jakarta-Makassar) Departure 00.47 WIB, BTK6196 (Jakarta-Makassar) Departure 00.51 WIB, BTK7797 (Jakarta-Sorong) Departure 01.02 WIB and LNI798 (Jakarta-Makassar) Departure 00.56 WIB.

"We suspect this video was deliberately made to upset the public, especially in the period of homecoming ban in the pandemic. We urge the public to check and ensure all information received, so as not to become victims of hoaxes", said Pramintohadi.

Regarding the legal steps taken related to the dissemination of the video, AirNav Indonesia will coordinate with law enforcement officials for further handling of hoax videos that have gone viral in the community.

"During the homecoming ban period, AirNav Indonesia held a post to ensure the ban on homecoming in air transportation runs optimally as directed by the government. And until the second day of the homecoming ban, the frequency of flights decreased significantly and left only excluded flights such as cargo and emergencies", it said.