Low Cholesterol Food Recommendations When Celebrating Eid

JAKARTA - Lebaran is synonymous with a variety of food dishes. However, lebaran food menu needs to be considered to keep the body healthy. One of them, foods that affect cholesterol levels.

If you look at the chicken opor, the thickness of the soup is so appetizing. Knowing the content of coconut milk and fat in it, of course people rethink eating it for health reasons.

Citing the doctor's click page, normal cholesterol levels are 200 mg/dl. If cholesterol levels are above that number, then the blood vessels are filled with piles of plaque known as atherosclerosis.

Thick plaque increases the risk of vascular blockages that can lead to heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.

Some tips to help lower the risk of high cholesterol include, choose foods with good fats, prioritize high-fiber foods and pay attention to diet. What are the low cholesterol foods that can be served during Lebaran?

Chicken breast satay

Chicken meat is always served to be eaten during Lebaran. You can serve chicken meat to be low in cholesterol.

The trick is, you choose the chicken breast part. The reason, in this section, cholesterol content is fairly low around 8.4 grams.

This breast meat tastes delicious and healthy by being processed as chicken breast satay.

Tuna fish soup

Tuna fish contain a lot of omega-3s which are good for maintaining heart and blood vessel health.

Omega-3 contained in fish can be a lowering of bad cholesterol otherwise known as LDL (low-density lipoprotein) while increasing good cholesterol.

But it should be noted, tuna fish should be cooked by roasting or disup. If fried, it can remove some of the omega-3 content in it.

Tuna soup menu can be a mainstay to fill the dining table in lebaran period.

Fish meatballs

The next low cholesterol food menu that can be tried is fish meatballs. Fish is a low-fat food. You can serve fish meatballs as soup.

The taste and deliciousness of the fish broth shakes the tongue. However, you still have to pay attention to your diet so as not to overdo it in order to maintain the health of the body in the long run.

Almond salad

Nuts are a good type of food for cholesterol. In it, there is a good content of unsaturated fats and fiber to maintain normal cholesterol levels,

Almonds and walnuts are a good type of legume for cholesterol and can lower various cholesterol complications, such as heart attacks.

Quinoa and almond salad menu can be a recommendation for food during Lebaran. To make it, you need ingredients such as lemon juice, ripe almonds, cucumber, spinach, broccoli and olive oil.

Fruit salad

Fibrous fruits and vegetables help to get rid of cholesterol. This type of pectin soluble fiber can lower bad LDL cholesterol by up to 10 percent. Fruits that you can use as a salad include apples, oranges, papayas, avocados, guava and others.

Those are 5 recommendations of low cholesterol foods that can be enjoyed during Lebaran. Maintaining the health of the body is equally important to complete the day of victory so that it can perform worship properly.