Mendikbud-Ristek Nadiem Plans Digital Startup Of Compulsory Courses In 2022

JAKARTA - Digital startups become compulsory courses in universities are being goaded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud-Ristek) together with the Ministry of Communication and Informatics.

The plan is that this course will be held starting in 2022. This is the statement of the Secretary of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Paristiyanti Nurwardani, in an electronic message received by journalists on Wednesday, May 12.

"The purpose of the discourse is to encourage student participation in building startups."

Let it be smooth, this year the lecturers who teach the course have been trained. The target of the Ministry of Education in the next year there are already 100 thousand students who follow the course.

"Later, the team that passes the startup development selection (students who follow the courses) will get more intensive guidance in order to survive long term and can enter the Kedaireka platform or campus business incubator," said Paris.

Paris stated that preparations for the creation of digital startup courses will cooperate with a program titled 1,000 Digital Startups, a movement launched by Kominfo 2019 when Rudiantara served as a minister.

This program is called as a forum for mentoring and empowering the world of digital startups in Indonesia, consisting of six stages, namely ignition: online seminars from startup industry actors and regulators, networking: inter-participant activities, workshops: supplying technical and nontechnical knowledge to build startups, hacksprint: activities to make minimum products ready for testing, mentor guidance bootcamp and incubation: special mentoring.