Joint Officers Sita 65 Logs Resulting From Illegal Logging In Sulbar That Do Not Have Documents

JAKARTA - The Law Enforcement Agency (Gakkum) of the Ministry of Environment (KLHK) of Sulawesi region together with the Forestry Police of the Forestry Service of West Sulawesi Province and Korem 142/Tatag confiscated 65 logs suspected of illegal logging or illegal logging from a truck in Campaloga Village, Tommo Subdistrict, Mamuju Regency.Dilansir Antara, Tuesday, May 11, Head of Section II Gakkum KLHK Sulawesi Subagyo region, contacted from Mamuju, Tuesday, said, in addition to confiscating 65 logs of various types measuring 40x40 centimeters with a length of four meters, the joint team also closed the activities of a wood processing industry because it did not hold a permit. The disclosure of the alleged illegal logging case, said Subagyo, began when a joint team from gakkum KLHK together with The Forest Service Police and Korem 142 Tatag found a truck transporting wood suspected of illegal logging. When asked to show the valid documents of the wood, neither the driver nor the owner of the wood could show it so the two were then taken to the mamuju state confiscated goods storage house (Rupbasan) for further investigation." Truckers and timber owners cannot present valid documents and permits regarding the legality of the timbers. The team then secured and deposited the illegal wooden truck in Rupbasan Mamuju for further investigation," he explained.

"Based on the results of the inspection of the driver and the owner of the wood then we headed to the wood processing site in Amalia Hamlet, Rante Mario Village, Tommo District. At this location, the team met with industry owners and inspected wood processing permit documents." The owner of the wood processing only has an industrial license (SITU-SIUP) and does not have permission from authorized officials related to forestry. The team then temporarily suspended the processing of wood and secured evidence in the form of various types and sizes of bearing wood, as well as circular machines to cut wood," explained Subagyo.Currently, he added, Section II which covers the working area of Central Sulawesi and West Sulawesi Gakkum KLHK Sulawesi region is still continuing to conduct investigations for further investigations to be dilimpakan prosecutor." For cases of illegal timber transportation, perpetrators are subject to article 83 paragraph 1 letter b juncto article 12 letter e and cases of wood processing industry without permission are subject to Article 83 paragraph 1 letter c juncto article 12 letter h and/or article 87 paragraph 1 letter a juncto article 12 letter k Law Number 18 of 2018 on Prevention and Eradication of Forest Destruction," he explained. Meanwhile, Head of Balai Gakkum KLHK Sulawesi Region Dodi Kurniawan expressed his appreciation for the success of the Gkkkum KLHK mamuju post team that can uncover cases of illegal timber in the region." I express my appreciation for the work of the Mamuju Post team and other agencies because in Ramadan it is still serious about carrying out the task so as to successfully uncover cases of illegal timber in the area. Hopefully the investigation process of this case goes smoothly and immediately rises to the level of investigation," said Dodi Kurniawan.