Recognize The Dangers Of Frequent Potato Consumption For Women
JAKARTA - Potatoes have an evocative taste when processed into food. However, behind its delicious taste, potatoes turn out not to be so healthy if consumed often, especially for women who are in productive age. Because, too often consuming potatoes can trigger gestational diabetes. This is a type of diabetes that can interfere with the fertility of women whose ends result in difficulty conceiving.
Potatoes are very rich in vitamin C, dietary fiber, and phytochemicals. Unfortunately, potatoes have a lot of starch that is quickly absorbed by the body, thus giving a negative effect on glucose metabolism. Poor absorption of sugar in the body can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Reported from, Monday, May 10, research conducted by the National Institutes of Health related to it wants to see a link between potatoes and gestational diabetes. Diabetes not only causes high blood sugar levels in the mother, but can also cause health problems in the mother and child.
A team of researchers from the National Institutes Health and harvard University surveyed 15,000 women. Every four years, the participants were asked to fill out questionnaires about the foods they consumed frequently.
The women also reported how often they consumed potatoes by boiling, roasting, frying, pounding or making chips. The results of the survey showed that women who consumed potatoes more often had a higher risk of developing gestational diabetes compared to those who rarely consumed them.
Although still in the stage of further research related to this, but the researchers still suggest that women should still be aware of the amount of potato intake they consume.