This Is The Mechanism For Submitting Social Assistance In DKI Jakarta

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan issued a DKI Governor's Decree (Kepgub) Number 386/2020. This Governor's Decree regulates the mechanism for receiving social assistance (bansos) for poor and vulnerable people due to the corona virus pandemic or COVID-19.

In Kepgub 386/2020, Anies explained, residents could personally propose if they had not received the ongoing phase 1 social assistance, so that it could be given in the next stage.

First, residents report to the local RT to register as recipients of social assistance. Then, residents fill out the form manually by filling in their personal data. This form has been prepared by each RW.

"The manual form that has been filled is verified by the RT and submitted to the RW. From the RW, the results of data recapitulation (submission of recipients) are submitted to the sub-district," Anies said as quoted by VOI on Wednesday, April 22.

Then, the data is submitted in stages. The sub-district forwards the data to the sub-district, to be submitted to the DKI Jakarta Communication, Informatics and Statistics Agency (DIskominfotik).

Subsequently, Diskominfotik submitted recipient data to the DKI Population and Civil Registration Service (Disdukcapil) for cleaning of NIK. After that, the data is submitted back to Diskominfotik for data matching.

"From the results of data matching, the governor's decision was made as the basis for providing social assistance," he explained.

From this mechanism, residents who have filled in the social assistance acceptance form are just waiting for the distribution of assistance at the next stage. The data collection process from the beginning to the name of the prospective social assistance recipient is limited to the time limit of 12 days.

Social assistance is considered uneven

The independent submission facility for residents who have not received social assistance is a solution to the unequal distribution of assistance at the initial stage. In a number of areas, there are many cases of people in need who do not receive social assistance. While those who are still able to do it are registered in the recipient.

Responding to the problem of whether the recipient data is accurate or not, the Head of the Media Relations Service Section of the DKI Jakarta Communication, Informatics and Statistics Office (Diskominfotik) explained that social assistance recipient data is accumulated from a number of Regional Work Units (SKPD).

Meanwhile, Diskominfotik only processed the data that was already available from a number of these SKPDs. "Diskominfotik only acts as an aggregate data collector from the Regional Work Units (SKPD)," Kohar told VOI.

"Regarding the validity of the data, it is determined by data on beneficiaries of a number of social welfare cards, data on UMP (salary), and so on," he added.

When viewed in Kepgub 386/2020, initial data on aid recipients were collected from the Social Service, Education Office, Manpower Office, Health Service, DKI Bank, BKD, and DKPKP. After that, the data is submitted to Diskominfotik.

Then, the NIK of each recipient is cleared by Disdukcapil. After the recipient data is "mature", the data is taken over by the Social Agency as the basis for distributing social assistance to providers of goods. Then, the goods provider hands over social assistance to their respective RWs to be distributed to the registered residents.

For information, the DKI Provincial Government is implementing a social assistance program during the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) period. This assistance is aimed at the poor and vulnerable to poverty due to the corona pandemic.

In detail, the assistance provided was in the form of a package of staple food commodities, namely 5 kg 1 sack of rice, 2 cans of protein foodstuffs, 1 pack of cooking oil 0.9 liter, 2 packs of biscuits, 2 cloth masks, and 2 sticks of soap. No cash assistance was provided.

One social assistance package that has been distributed and packaged by Perumda Pasar Jaya is worth IDR 149,500. However, the aid will be sent four times with a total aid of Rp. 600 thousand for one household.

The target recipients of social assistance who are currently being distributed are 1.2 million families living in DKI Jakarta. This social assistance is distributed every day, starting from April 9 to 24, 2020. Social assistance comes from the unexpected expenditure fund (BTT) of the 2020 DKI Jakarta Regional Budget.

As many as 1.2 million households receiving social assistance from the APBD are stage I recipients. Meanwhile, social assistance from the APBN through the Ministry of Social Affairs will be distributed to 1.25 million other households after the phase I distribution of social assistance is completed.