Central Kalimantan Residents Please Be Alert, There Are Residents Exposed To COVID-19 B1617

PALANGKA RAYA - The Central Kalimantan Provincial Health Office asked the public not to panic over the discovery of variant B.1.617 COVID-19 in the local area.

"Health protocols are still very effective at preventing the transmission of the COVID-19 virus, including variant B.1.617," said Head of the Central Kalimantan Health Service Suyuti Syamsul in Palangka Raya, as quoted by Antara, Sunday, May 9.

Therefore, people only need to ensure that they are carrying out health protocols properly and correctly, and do not touch their faces if they are not sure that their hands are clean.

There is also information regarding the discovery of variant B.1.617, namely on March 19 and 20 samples from COVID-19 patients who were suspected of being exposed to the new variant of the COVID-19 virus were taken.

The three samples were then sent to the Health Research and Development Agency (Badan Litbangkes) on 27 March 2020.

Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia to be examined. The three samples came from patients in Palangka Raya.

"The laboratory of the Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia has examined the sample and tested positive for variant B.1.617," he said.

Then on May 8, 2020, the Health Office of Central Kalimantan again sent four samples of COVID-19 patients from Kapuas, East Kotawaringin one sample, and West Kotawaringin one sample.

"Kapuas, Kotim, and Kobar have not had the results yet," he said.

Until now, the official notification of the results of the examination from the Indonesian Ministry of Health has not been received by the Central Kalimantan Health Office.

But then, based on the results of his communication with the Head of the Research and Development Laboratory of the Ministry of Health, information was obtained that the results of the examination circulating through social media were the results of an official examination.

"These results are still a preliminary report which is intended as material for the explanation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia," explained Suyuti.

The results of the next examination will be followed up with epidemiological tracking and serological examinations

Currently, the Central Kalimantan Health Office, Palangka Raya Health Office, and the Directorate General P2 of the Ministry of Health are coordinating to carry out epidemiological tracking and patient blood collection for serological examinations.

After the results of the epidemiological tracking and serological examinations have been carried out, the results of the examination for variant B.1.617 will be submitted officially by letter to him as the Head of Central Kalimantan Health Office by the Director-General P2 of the Ministry of Health.