Two US And German Documentary Film Crew Evicted From Aceh

BANDA ACEH - Two foreign nationals (WNA), citizens of the United States and Germany who are the crew of the documentary film, were ordered to return to Medan, North Sumatra. The reason is that these two foreigners do not have permits for activities in the City of Subulussalam, Aceh.

Subulussalam Police Chief, Police Grand Commissioner Adjutant Qori Wicaksono said the two foreigners were included in the five documentary film crew who wanted to document in the Lae Soraya Forest area, Sultan Daulat District, Subulussalam City.

"The two foreign nationals, namely VBN, 40 years old from Germany, and RG, 38 years from the United States, want to make a documentary film about the environment," said Police Grand Commissioner Adjutant Qori Wicaksono as quoted by Antara, Sunday, May 9.

The police chief said the two foreigners along with three Indonesians who were also film crews and two drivers. They were about to enter the Lae Soraya River area, covering the Mount Leuser National Park area. Previously, they had documentary coverage in Southeast Aceh.

Police Grand Commissioner Adjutant Qori Wicaksono said the presence of the group of documentary filmmakers was discovered when they were about to pass through the border post between Aceh and North Sumatra at Timbangan Jontor Bridge, Penanggalan District, Subulussalam City, Friday, May 7, at around 21.00 western Indonesia time.

The group from Southeast Aceh rode in two cars, namely a boxcar carrying equipment and a minibus passenger car. When checked all can show travel documents.

"We have also coordinated with immigration regarding the completeness of immigration documents. The results of the examination of immigration documents are declared complete," said the Police Chief.

For the sake of coordination with related parties, said the Chief of Police, the documentary film crew was brought to the Subulussalam Police Headquarters. Previously, the seven people were also tested for antigen swabs, and the results were inactive.

Police Grand Commissioner Adjutant Qori Wicaksono said at the Subulussalam Police Headquarters information was obtained from the Aceh Region VI Forest Management Unit (KPH) coordinator, Irwandi, who said that only three Indonesian film crews reported their activities in Subulussalam.

"Meanwhile, foreigners are not reported, so they do not have permission to enter the forest area. Therefore, KPH-VI recommends foreigners to leave Subulussalam because they do not have permission to do activities in the Lae Soraya Forest area," said Police Grand Commissioner Adjutant Qori Wicaksono.

The three Indonesian documentary film crews are still welcome to continue their activities because they have obtained permission to make documentary films in the Lae Soraya Forest area.

"We did not find any element of the crime they committed. It's just that they did not report to KPH-VI regarding the presence of foreigners in the group. So, the two foreigners were asked to leave Subulussalam," said Police Grand Commissioner Adjutant Qori Wicaksono.