Sultan HB X Wants The Construction Of Hajj Dormitory In Kulon Progo To Be Accelerated

YOGYAKARTA - Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X hopes that the process of building the Hajj hostel in Kulon Progo can run quickly. The Kulon Progo Hajj hostel is expected to be able to improve the services of prospective pilgrims.

"The principle is that Ngarsa Dalem (Sultan HB X, ed.) Wants this process to run quickly," said Secretary General of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) Nizar Ali after an audience with the Governor of Yogyakarta, at Gedhong Wilis, Kepatihan complex in Yogyakarta, as quoted by Antara. Between, Friday, 7 May.

He explained that the Governor of Yogyakarta Special Region offered a number of cooperation schemes to support the construction of the Hajj dormitories, including by cooperating with a third party.

This is an alternative for financing, considering that the projection of APBN disbursement will take a long time.

"If you rely on the APBN budget, yes it can be finished, but it will take a long time to make it short, he suggested communication and cooperation with various parties earlier," said Nizar.

Apart from making it easier for the pilgrims, he also hopes that the existence of the Hajj hostel will have a positive impact on the community, as well as the Yogyakarta Palace, considering that its construction will be carried out on the Sultan's land or the Sultan Ground.

According to Nizar, Sultan HB X suggested that there is a building that is equivalent to a four star, three star according to the needs of the community.

Regarding the location of the hajj boarding house, Nizar admitted that the determination had reached the final stage.

"The location has been determined, precisely in the Kokap area. From the airport (YIA, ed.), The distance is about 3.5 kilometers. Later there will be toll access via the Hajj boarding route," said Head of the DIY Ministry of Religion Regional Office Edhi Gunawan.

Edhi said Kokap was the location chosen from the other three proposals, namely Galur, Sentolo, and Lendah. The villages of Triharjo (Wates) and Plumbong (Temon) were also previously proposed options for the construction of Hajj dormitories.

In addition to determining the location, he said, to date a development scheme has also been determined, including determining the design of the building.

The construction of the Hajj dormitory is targeted at the earliest in 2022 and no later than 2023. It is hoped that a year after construction begins, the building can be used.

"The total projection of the budget needed to carry out the project for the construction of the Hajj dormitories reaches around Rp. 600 billion," he said.