Denny Siregar: Novel Is Not A KPK, KPK Is Also Not A Novel
JAKARTA - The issue of weakening the KPK arose after a national insight test failed 75 KPK employees, one of whom was Novel Baswedan.
Social media activist Denny Siregar responded to the issue of weakening the KPK as a damaged tape that was repeated. He made this point through a broadcast on his Youtube account @CokroTv on Thursday, May 6.
According to him, the commotion began to emerge when the Government made a revision to the KPK Law. So that in the end the KPK was forced to have a supervisory board.
"Repetitive narratives such as damaged tapes arise as a result of the government revising the KPK Law, so that employees are required to become civil servants," said Denny Siregar. As is known, Novel is reportedly one of 75 people who did not pass the National Insight Test (TWK) held by the KPK as a transfer of employee status to the State Civil Apparatus (ASN). "Finally, Novel's statement was greeted by his friends outside the KPK with great fanfare," said Denny. In fact, Denny said that the friends of Novel and Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) accused the Jokowi government of destroying the KPK by firing Novel. "According to ICW "The desire to fire Novel has long been manipulated, and was carried out by conducting a national insight test," he continued. Denny was further responding to ICW's statement that if Novel Baswedan was finally fired from the KPK, the KPK would be destroyed. "The narrative that the KPK needs a Novel Baswedan. this is a very disgusting narrative to me. Novel is not a KPK, KPK is also not a Novel, "he continued." The KPK is an official state institution, and Novel is just the only host there, no KPK Novel remains, "Denny said. Furthermore, Denny thinks there is a high chance that Novel is not in KPK, then their performance will be better. This is because he sees Novel's performance decreasing over time. "Novel Baswedan has worked at the KPK for 14 years, with progressively decreasing performance, his catch is getting smaller and smaller, so it is only natural that old employees are expelled from the KPK, replaced. with new people who are fresher. " said Denny.