Kartini, The Forest Saver From Manggala Agni

JAKARTA - It is fitting that Kartini Day which falls on this day is used to commemorate the figure of a pioneer in awakening the status of women.

The birth of Raden Ajeng Kartini on April 21, mandates that we respect the struggles of his life. She proved that women can carry out their obligations and get their rights as women which must be respected, respected, and protected from various violence and threats.

This figure is inherent in Gustian Ningsih in carrying out his duties as a member of the Manggala Agni Sumatra VI / Siak Daops, Riau, since 2005.

The stigma that women should only take care of the kitchen was denied by this woman who is familiarly called Neneng. On a daily basis, he participates in the struggle to control forest and land fires (karhutla) in Riau Province, the most vulnerable area of forest and land fires in Indonesia.

"Kartini gave me her own inspiration, that women can play a role in all things, including in controlling forest and land fires as Manggala Agni," said Neneng in a statement received by VOI, Tuesday, April 21.

This mother of three children has tasted the bitterness of efforts to control forest and land fires for 15 years. Neneng's main task in everyday life is to monitor early detection. His monitoring covers the area of Siak Regency, Bengkalis Regency, Meranti Islands Regency.

In addition, Neneng is also in charge of managing the Fire Danger Rating System (SPBK) board, and managing the administration of the Daops Manggala Agni Sumatera VI / Siak office. However, it is not uncommon for Neneng to go into the field to carry out patrols to prevent and suppress forest and land fires.

"When the forest and land fires occurred in Siak 2019 yesterday, we, as Manggala Agni, of course have to go directly to extinguish the forest and land fires for several days," explained Neneng.

Manggala Agni's male-dominated membership did not make him feel inferior. At the time of the fire and forest fires blackout, Neneng was also ready to walk tens of kilometers to the fire point, lifted the hose, and held the nozzle in front of the fire.

On that basis, Neneng has a message for every woman to wear Kartini Day commemoration. "Women today are required to be virtuous, clever and brave women. They have the right to take roles in various fields, but do not forget their obligation to care for their families and respect them. her husband, "she explained.

One of the members of Manggala Agni who is on duty (Photo: Documentation of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry)

Besides Neneng, Kartini, another forest savior is Miftahul Jannah, or who is familiarly called Metha. This 30-year-old woman is a member of Daops Manggala Agni Kalimantan III / Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan.

Metha is not directly tasked with extinguishing the fire, but becomes a nurse. However, his role is urgently needed to care for Manggala Agni's colleagues who were injured during the blackout.

Occasionally, this woman who has been a member of Manggala Agni since 2015 has also experienced blackouts in the forest for days.

Metha said that the role she plays as a forest control heroine has inspired Indonesian women not to give up and be enthusiastic about continuing her struggle in developing the country.

"I am sure that there are still many great Indonesian women who are struggling for their family, country and environment who have the spirit of emancipation of Ibu Kartini," said Metha.