UMKM BLT Has Arrived In The Hands Of 8.6 Million Recipients, With A Value Of Rp.10.4 Trillion

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs stated that BLT UMKM aka Micro Business Productive Assistance (BPUM) has been distributed to 8,635,025 recipients. The IDR 1.2 million money had already reached the respective MSME actors.

"It has been disbursed to as many as 8.635 million recipients with a nominal value of almost IDR 10.4 trillion", said Deputy for Micro Business of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, Eddy Satriya in a virtual Main Wednesday Productive Dialogue, Wednesday, May 5.

Eddy explained, the government is targeting the productive presidential ban to be distributed to 9.8 million recipients with a realized budget of IDR 11.76 trillion until 12 May. This means the realization to date has reached 88 percent of the target of 9.8 million recipients.

As for this year, the government is targeting BLT UMKM IDR 1.2 million for 12.8 million recipients. There is an additional quota of 3 million new recipients, where the government is currently processing the data.

"Since it was decided by Committee for Handling Coronavirus Disease 2019 and National Economic Recovery on March 1, it is true that 12.8 million recipients were planned, which is a combination of old and new recipients", said Eddy.

To check for recipients of BLT UMKM IDR 1.2 million, please visit The steps are as follows:

1. Click the BRI e-form (

2. Enter the KTP number and verification code

3. Click the inquiry process

4. If you have signed in, you will receive a notification whether you have received assistance or not

5. If you are registered as a recipient, as a micro-business actor you can go to the BRI office to disburse IDR 1.2 million from BLT UMKM. Assistance can also be transferred directly to the account.