Through An Open Letter Atalarik Shah Called Tsania Marwa Nusyuz Aka Disobedient

JAKARTA - The effort to pick up children by Tsania Marwa ended dramatically. Atalarik Shah's widow did not bring her two children home because they locked themselves in their room. Even mentioning that their mother would kidnap them.

After the incident, Atalarik Syah claimed that his children were stressed. Atalarik Syah also wrote an open letter of his disappointment and uploaded it to his Instagram feed. The following is an open letter made by Atalarik Shah:


Assalammualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

With respect.

Ladies and gentlemen/brothers and sisters.

I submit this open letter because my household problems have become public consumption. Starting from my divorce from my ex-wife who committed Nusyuz's actions until now it has led to a struggle for child custody, continued with the CASSATION decision which won my ex-wife, then the Cibinong West Java Religious Court ordered the execution of my children on April 29, 2021.

Alhamdulillah, children with the power of Allah SWT and of their own will only want to stay with me, their father.

What I want to convey is based on the observations and views of the family witnesses at the place of the Execution, namely my house, as well as the attorney's witness and I was not present at that time, my children are victims of injustice from the agenda of the Cibinong Religious Court on the date April 29, 2021.

The events are as follows.

1. At that time, I was not at home, I was working. However, more than that, myself has come to a point of surrender. It is sad and sad that I imagine my children will be executed. Apart from an unusual term because it is more appropriate for objects than humans, I also don't want my presence to confuse children into making decisions.

2. The act of the Cibinong Religious Court in executing children (it should be distinguished not like the execution of land/property) by deploying dozens of police from the Cibinong and PROVOS Polres is an excessive activity and provokes riots, also especially the tension and restlessness of my children who got execution for nearly 6 hours, regardless of the psychological impact on my 8 and 5-year-old children, even though the children had shouted dozens of times refusing to openly follow their mother. Likewise, the crowd atmosphere that was created by the many police officers who came, it humiliated my dignity and my family in the neighborhood where we live. These actions are like raids on drug or terrorist dens. The officers are like a show of force in public and the media. Let's think together, my children will be executed from their own homes. A comfortable house where they grew up and remained cheerful all this time even though their parents divorced. Let's see how my kids won't go away when executed. What does this situation prove? How do we view the comfort of their hearts?

3. The actions of the Cibinong Religious Court in executing my children by deploying dozens of POLICE from POLICE Cibinong and PROVOS in full uniform violate the Child Protection Law, the Juvenile Court Law, and the laws relevant to this act.

4. Actions by the Cibinong Religious Court in carrying out efforts to execute children by allowing violence to be carried out against children and trying to force children by ordering members of the POLICE to help suppress children is an act against the law.

5. The action of the Execution Petitioner to commit violence against a child by tugging at the child's hand when the child struggles not to participate with coercion. Execution Petitioner is the same as committing verbal abuse against a child and is a criminal act that can be punished with criminal penalties.

6. The act of most concern is the action of the Cibinong Religious Court as a Religious Court that executes during the Holy month of Ramadan, I consider it too imposing without showing the reasons justified in Islamic teachings for people who are fasting the Holy month of Ramadan. This action ignored my previous appeal when I asked the Cibinong Regional Child Protection Commission to deliver the execution after Eid al-Fitr 1442H as a form of a Religious Court that can weigh religious matters more fairly for the sake of community worship.

7. Inappropriate treatment, in the form of arrogance and yelling, was also committed by the executors of the Religious Court against my mother, my children's grandmother, who is 74 years old. This was really inappropriate because he and my family members who were in my house at that time actually tried to help the officers and did not prevent my children from joining their mother, as long as there was no coercion.

Is that like the execution of children in our country? Is that what the apparatus should take to protect the citizens? Where is the appropriateness of our behavior as a society with noble morals?

Therefore, based on the aforementioned judgments, I feel the need to write this open letter so that we can both assess and do everything in our country which is based on law and high cultural values, as well as a nation that is refined and refined. heart to be able to pay attention to the condition of children and pay attention to our actions based on religious values, values of life, and the rule of law that underlies all our actions.

The violence against my children actually happened by the officers who came. For that matter, I, in the afterlife, am not sincere and happy about the actions of the related parties who are directly involved and carry out these actions.

May Allah SWT show His justice and mercy. Amen. May Allah SWT make the officials act better for the good of the people and the good name of the Indonesian nation as a country that upholds high Religion and Culture. Amen.

What happened to my children can happen to other children. Actually, the most important thing is how we together do not create a weak generation because of domestic problems like what I have experienced. Properly, conducive solutions and improvement of the situation should be pursued by taking action based on all considerations of human behavior with dignity. Wouldn't a strong family form a strong country too? It is fitting for every family in our Republic of Indonesia to pay more attention and guard their spirit, soul, and body. I hope that the government can make improvements in realizing a better and healthier system.

Thank you.


AtalariK Syach.

In the letter, Atalarik Syah also mentioned that the root of the problem was the time of Tsania Marwa's actions many years ago. At that time, Atalarik said his ex-wife had committed "Nusyuz" acts.

What is Nusyuz? According to Indonesian Dictionary, Nusyuz is an act of disobedience and disobeying a wife against her husband (without reason) which is not justified by law. Meanwhile, according to the Nahdlatul Ulama official website, Nusyuz is an act of disobedience, haram, a wife who does not carry out her obligations to her husband.

"A woman's nusyuz is a disobedient attitude that she shows in front of her husband by not doing what Allah obliges her, namely obeying her husband ... this woman's nusyuz is haram, and is one of the major sins", reported on the NU website. , in Mustafa al-Khin and Mustafa al-Bugha.

Atalarik Syach does not explain why calling Tsania Marwa committing nusyuz acts. However, many netizens say Atalarik is more to blame for not bringing the child to the mother.