Denies Hotma Sitompul, Desiree Tarigan: Never Mind IDR 1 Billion, IDR 10 Million Is Not There

JAKARTA - Desiree Tarigan has denied allegations that Hotma Sitompul had given her IDR 10 billion. Previously this statement was mentioned by Hotma's lawyer, Muara Karta. Desiree's denial was conveyed after giving a statement at the South Jakarta Metro Police regarding Hotma Sitompoel's alleged seizure of her mother's land.

"Never, never. Never. Never mind IDR 10 billion, there are no securities of IDR 10 million", said Desiree.

Meanwhile Desiree felt that she was reported by Hotma Sitompul because of a struggle for property. "Yes, maybe you don't want to give me something like this. For that everything is counted, household, kitchen, all kinds, that's the thing", she concluded.

Desiree Tarigan also rejected the accusation that she had brought a storage box containing Hotma Sitompul's valuables. "Stealing kitchen utensils. Now you say stealing a safe", she said.

Desire defended herself that she already had her own safe, different from her husband's. "I have my own safe deposit box, and he has his own safe deposit box", she said.

Regarding her mother's land, Desiree Tarigan seems the least accepting. The proof is Ribu, her mother's nickname, made a report on the occupation of her land by her own son-in-law Hotma Sitompul.

Desiree Tarigan visited the South Jakarta Metro Police on Monday, May 3, 2021 in order to fulfill the summons as a witness in the land grab case that Muliana Tarigan complained against Hotma Sitompoel.

"Today we call for a call from the Police for a report from Mrs. Muliana Tarigan or Ribu. Today there is Mrs. Desiree Tarigan and Prianka", said Mulia's lawyer, Randy Ozora Siregar on the same occasion.