Finally, Alex Noerdin Was Examined As A Witness To The Corruption Of The Sriwijaya Mosque Which Caused Losses To The State Rp130 Billion

JAKARTA - The former governor of South Sumatra, Alex Noerdin, finally fulfilled the summons from the South Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office after his previous absence.

Alex, who is also a member of Commission VII of the House of Representatives, was supposed to be investigated in connection with the alleged corruption case of the Sriwijaya Mosque. The examination was conducted at the Attorney General's Office, Jakarta, Monday, May 3.

According to information obtained in the field, this DPR member arrived at the Attorney General's Office of the Special Criminal Circle Building, Jakarta, at around 09.00 WIB.

Alex Noerdin's investigation at the AGO was confirmed by the Head of Legal Information of the South Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office, Khaidirman.

"It is true that today (Monday-red) investigators from the South Sumatra Prosecutor's Office of Pidsus examined Alex N as a witness to the Sriwijaya Mosque construction case. The examination was carried out at the AGO's office", said Khaidirman.

Previously, Alex Noerdin was absent twice from fulfilling the Sumsel Prosecutor's summons as a witness in the examination of the Sriwijaya Mosque corruption case.

Khaidirman said Alex Noerdin, who had been summoned twice, sent a letter requesting a postponement of the investigation because he had to fulfill his duties in the House of Representatives.

Alex did not fulfill the first summons of the South Sumatra Prosecutor's Office on April 6, while several witnesses who were summoned at the same time such as the Head of the Palembang City Tourism Office Isnaini Madani and the auction committee for the construction of the Toni Aguswara mosque fulfilled the summons.

South Sumatra Prosecutors' investigators sent another summons, and for the second time, Alex was absent from questioning on April 15.

Apart from Alex Noerdin, the South Sumatra Attorney General's Office of Investigators also this week summoned the Chairman of the Sriwijaya Mosque Foundation who is also the Chair of the ICMI, Jimly Asshiddiqie and the examination was carried out on April 12, 2021, at the Attorney General's Office.

The South Sumatra Prosecutor's Office has summoned various parties in the case, including several former officials when Alex Noerdin was Governor of South Sumatra for the 2013-2018 period.

Many witnesses have answered the summons, some were questioned twice.

South Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office investigators themselves have arrested four suspects in the alleged corruption case of the construction of the Sriwijaya Mosque which allegedly caused state losses of up to Rp130 billion.

The four of them were former Head of Sriwijaya Mosque Development Edi Hermanto, KSO PT Brantas Abipraya Ir. Dwi Kriyana, Chair of the Syarifudin Auction Implementation Division and the power of KSO Adipraya-PT Yodyakarya Yudi Wahyoni.

The Sriwijaya Mosque, which is predicted to be the largest, was built in 2009 and has absorbed a total of Rp130 billion from the South Sumatra regional budget in 2015-2017.

The mosque, which was built on a nine-hectare area of the South Sumatra Provincial Government, requires funds of up to IDR 668 billion, but its construction has only completed the basic foundation and is now stalled.