Scribbles On The Toilet Confiscated From The Anarcho Syndicalism Group

JAKARTA - The police have revealed the existence of the Anarcho Syndicalism group which is suspected of committing a riot by taking advantage of the corona virus or COVID-19 pandemic situation in Indonesia. The police had confiscated a number of books that were suspected of being the group's reading material to carry out the action. However, recently, one of the books that was confiscated was returned and did not become evidence because it was not related to the vandalism case.

One of the books that was confiscated was entitled Scribbles on the Toilet. This book contains dozens of short stories or short stories that tell the events that occurred in the 2000s or post-reform era. Of the dozens of cepen, there is one main story and at the same time the title of this book, namely Scribbles on the Toilet.

The short story with the title Scribbling on the Toilet tells the action of several students replying to each other's graffiti messages on the campus toilet walls. This story begins when someone wrote a sentence on the wall of the campus toilet, 'Reform failed miserably, my friend! Let's finish the democratic revolution! '.

Kasubdit Polda Metro Jaya State Security AKBP Dwi Asih said this book is not evidence. However, this book was discovered during the arrest of the suspects.

"The book is secured by one of the suspects who is the admin of the WhatsApp group. But it has nothing to do with the case so it is not used as evidence," Dwi told VOI, Thursday, April 16.

Dwi said the police could not yet confirm the group's plan to create riots in mid-April, although evidence of conversations was found on the suspects' cellphones about the attempt. The police think that the evidence is still lacking and that investigators need to deepen it.

For now, the police are only investigating the vandalism case committed by the group. A number of pieces of evidence were confiscated to confirm the existence of this crime, including spray paint bottles and papers bearing provocative sentences.

"It is true that talk like that (rioting in April) but not related to the group or sect. For planning they are still deepening because they need evidence anymore, it is not enough just from what they say," said Dwi.

"So, no books were confiscated because they were only secured. We return them all because they have nothing to do with it," said Dwi.

Previously, Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said a number of books were confiscated from this group. The book was confiscated because it was related to the riot they were planning to carry out.

"Textbooks are like terrorists. They are Anarcho, Vandalism. Their job is only to create riots," said Yusri.