Ketum NOC: Presidential Decree 2032 Olympic Bidding Committee Adds Indonesian Acceleration To Convince IOC

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian NOC, Raja Sapta Oktohari, assessed that Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 9 of 2021 concerning the Indonesian Nomination Committee as Host for the 2032 Olympics will increase Indonesia's acceleration in catching up with Indonesia from Brisbane, Australia.

"The issuance of this Presidential Decree is like a new engine. God willing, it will make us progress faster when we are behind Brisbane," Okto said during a press conference with Menpora Zainudin Amali, Friday, April 30.

"We will continue to stick closely to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and hopefully the effectiveness of this Presidential Decree will open up opportunities for us to go faster and ahead of Brisbane. As well as make Indonesians aware that the end of homeland sports achievements is at the Olympic level," continued Okto. .

Okto assessed that Indonesia is quite confident in the quality of holding events at the level of the Olympics.

"God willing, we have confidence, let alone the 2032 Olympics, now we are ready to host the Olympics," he said.

He continued that trust, because Indonesia was armed with the successful experiences of the Asian Games and the Asian Paragames which were successful in implementation, successful administration and successful legacy.

"Provision of the last Asian Games and support from several countries which conveyed that if Indonesia was successful in hosting the 2032 Olympics, it would be a new legacy for the Olympics to be held for the first time in Southeast Asia," added Okto.

Indonesia currently has the status of being a country of continuous dialogue (continuous discussion) regarding Indonesia's nomination to host the upcoming 2032 Olympics.

Apart from Indonesia there is a Korean unification which also received the same status from the IOC. Apart from Indonesia, the unification of Korea is Qatar and India, which also volunteered to host the world's biggest sports event in 2032.

The city of Brisbane, Australia has submitted a proposal regarding the bid to host the 2032 Olympics from Indonesia. Thus, Brisbane was set as a targeted dialoque.

"The problem of time is that we are left behind. Apart from Indonesia, there is a Korean unification which is defined as a continuous dialogue. But once again the status of the targeted and continuous dialoque is not permanent, it can change at any time," he explained.

In addition, GBK is considered to have a new historical record if Indonesia succeeds in hosting the upcoming 2032 Olympics.

"One of the legacy objects in Indonesia is the Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium (GBK) which was used during the first Asian Games, the second Asian Games and the first Asian Paragames and God willing, it will be used again at the opening of the 2032 Olympics," he hoped.