200 Travelers On The Pantura Bekasi Route Are Examined By Joint Officers

JAKARTA - As many as 200 travelers have been stopped by joint officers while passing through the barrier post for the ban on going home on the Pantura Route, Kedungwaringin District, Bekasi Regency, West Java.

"Police and TNI officers assisted by the Transportation Agency and Satpol PP immediately conducted an examination of passing drivers," said Head of Operations Bureau of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Marsudianto, in Cikarang, as reported by Antara, Thursday, April 29.

He said the examination was carried out in the context of implementing Addendum No.3 of 2021 issued by the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) regarding tightening since D-14 and H + 7 from the date of prohibition of going home 6-17 May 2021.

"So we tighten it by examining every motorist who wants to make a homecoming trip before the date of the homecoming ban," he said again.

A number of vehicles, both motorbikes and cars suspected of going home, were stopped and asked whether they had completed the COVID-19 rapid test result letter, both antigen swab and PCR.

If the homecomers do not have it, he said, they will immediately be directed to do free antigen swabs provided by the Bekasi Metro Police and the Bekasi District Health Office at the location that has been prepared.

Motorists whose results are declared non-reactive are allowed to continue the journey and are asked to adhere to health protocols. Meanwhile, if the results are reactive, they will be reversed and asked to go home for treatment.

"This activity follows up on the addendum, where people go home and we give them free swabs. Don't let people who are OTG spread COVID-19 again in their homecoming places," he also said.

Seeing that there are still many people who are doing homecoming before the ban on May 6-17, Marsudianto appealed to the public to maintain health protocols and it is highly hoped that the community will not go home.

"It's better if you stay at home, go home or go home or go home, don't go home, it's okay, for the health and safety of yourself and your family," he said again.

The Head of Bekasi Metro Police, Kombes Hendra Gunawan, said that in the activity of tightening the homecoming ban, his party is targeting 300 travelers to be stopped and asked to swab antigen.

"There were 200 who underwent antigen swabs, we are continuing to prepare 300 tools. Later, we will add more as an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19," he said again.