Go To KPK, Mahfud And The Task Force Bring Home BLBI Documents

JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD came to the KPK building. Mahfud came to ask for the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) case file.

"I, along with the head of the BLBI Task Force, were completely received by the KPK leadership, Firli Bahuri along with all its commissioners. I was also with all the other leaders (present, red) to confirm the position of the BLBI case and we got the documents from the KPK," said Mahfud MD told reporters at the KPK's Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Thursday, April 29.

But Mahfud did not specify the documents that were obtained from the KPK. However, he said the document would be used to seize assets from the BLBI case, which amounted to more than Rp110 trillion.

Mahfud said the government had recorded collateral assets in this case. In addition, the government is also ready to execute guarantees to cover debts in the BLBI case.

"The collateral is available now because it is finished. We will classify which ones can be executed now, which ones can be billed in cash, and so on," he said.

In the interview, Mahfud also explained the reasons why the KPK and the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) were not included in the BLBI Task Force. He emphasized that this was solely to maintain the independence of the two institutions.

However, the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court invited the two institutions to conduct an audit regarding the case in question. He said the government was only cooperating with the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) as the BLBI task force.

"Earlier it was clear, we will work together to work on this problem. So, I hope the public also understands this is claiming the right of the state," he said.

Previously reported, after the KPK issued a Letter of Termination of Case Investigation (SP3) in the alleged corruption of the BLBI Certificate of Settlement (SKL), the government then formed a Task Force for Handling State Claims Rights for the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Fund or the BLBI Task Force.

This task force was formed through the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia (Kepres) Number 6 of 2021 concerning the Task Force for Handling the Rights of State Receivables for BLBI Funds on April 6, 2021.

The establishment of a task force that is under and responsible to the President aims to handle, resolve and restore state rights originating from BLBI funds in an effective and efficient manner.

Then, in the form of legal remedies and/or other efforts at home or abroad, both for debtors, obligors, company owners, and their heirs as well as other parties who cooperate with him, as well as recommending policy treatment for the handling of BLBI funds.

"In carrying out its duties, the BLBI Fund State Bill Handling Task Force can involve and/or coordinate with ministerial/non-ministerial government agencies, government agencies both central and regional, private, and other parties deemed necessary," said the provisions in the regulation on the BLBI Task Force.