There Is No Obstacle Kominfo Block Illegal Cell Phones Amid The COVID-19 Pandemic

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) does not intend to delay the implementation of the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) rule for illegal smartphones. The rule will still apply on April 18.

According to the Minister of Communication and Information, Johnny G Plate, this blocking rule will continue to be implemented even after the COVID-19 pandemic has hit Indonesia. Kominfo has also coordinated with related institutions to finalize the rules for blocking Black Market (BM) cellphones.

"It is true that it has been decided, the enforcement of IMEI rules will still be implemented on April 18 at 00.00 WIB," said Johnny via his @kemenkominfo Instagram account.

Not only Kominfo, the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin), the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag), the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) have agreed on the rules for blocking illegal cell phones. This includes cellular operators in identifying IMEI numbers so that they cannot use telecommunications networks in Indonesia.

As for blocking BM cell phones, later using a Whitelist scheme supported by Equipment Identity Register (EIR) technology which is equipped with data in the form of MSISDN (mobile subscriber integrated services digital network number), IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) and user identities stored by cellular operators. . Later, illegal devices that are not listed on the IMEI list at the Ministry of Industry will be blocked automatically and cannot use cellular services.

"The whitelist system will take effect immediately and the EIR in each cellular operator can be activated, and Central EIR in Industry can also be used on April 18, 2020," said Johnny.

He also stated that there were three targets applied to the purpose of blocking BM cellphones, namely, "first to protect the domestic mobile phone industry, second to ensure the country's economy from the UN which is implemented, if BM cell phones do not have taxes. Third, consumer protection. This handheld is not safe to use by users, "explained Johnny.

Minister Johnny also did not elaborate on the rules for foreigners who bring cellphones from abroad and the tax provisions. Even so, related stakeholders have worked together to prepare a registration platform for tourists or foreigners who bring cellphones from abroad.

BM phones owned by users before April 18 will not be affected by this rule. They can still use the device normally. This blocking rule is effective for illegal cellphones that are purchased or activated after the date of the IMEI.