Apart From Being Soothing, These 5 Breathing Exercises Can Be Healthy For The Heart

JAKARTA - There are various ways to maintain heart health. Starting from maintaining a healthy lifestyle to one of them doing breathing exercises. Scientists prove that breathing exercises can maximize oxygen received by the heart.

In addition, breathing exercises also regulate heart rate, calm the nervous system, maximize blood volume in the heart, and train the cardiovascular system. Launching the Hearthathon, here is a list of breathing exercises that you can do at any time.

Balanced breath

In Sanskrit, balanced breath is called Sama Vritti. The technique for doing this is to balance the inhaling and exhaling. In practice, you can count from 1 to 4 when you inhale and with the same count when exhaling.

Rebecca Pacheco, a yoga instructor, recommends that this breathing exercise be done in a comfortable sitting position. Every pull and blow, make sure the count is uniform or the same.

Progressive muscle relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation, also known as progressive muscle relaxation (PMR), is a breathing technique used to reduce anxiety and stress. This technique is done to nourish the heart and reduce the symptoms of chronic disorders and insomnia.

PMR was first introduced by Edmind Jacobson, an American doctor in the 1930s. This breathing technique combines tension and relaxation. How to do it, close your eyes and concentrate. Then tighten a group of muscles and relax for a few seconds.

For example, starting from the legs, thighs, knees, buttocks, hands, arms, chest, jaw, neck, and eyes. Every time you tense and relax, follow with slow, deep breathing.

Breathe deeply

Deep breathing is one of the best breathing exercises for heart health. This exercise helps reduce shortness of breath and relaxes the body.

Deep breathing exercises can be done in a sitting or standing position. Arms slightly pulled back so that the chest is slightly puffed out. Then inhale deeply through your nose and hold your breath for a count of five. Then exhale slowly through your nose.

Alternative nasal breathing

In Sanskrit it is called Nadi Shodhana, which is a breathing exercise for heart health that can improve cardiovascular function and reduce heart rates that are too fast.

Nadi Shodhana nasal breathing technique, place the index and middle fingers over the bridge of the nose or the middle of the forehead between the eyebrows. Let the other fingers relax. Cover the right nostril with your thumb, and inhale with the left nostril and hold.

Illustration of alternative nasal breathing (Freepik / yanalya)

Then open the right nostril and close the left nostril with the ring finger. Exhale through the right nostril. While doing this breathing exercise, take a comfortable sitting position and repeat it for 10 times.


Simhasana in Sanskrit means 'lion's breath'. This breathing exercise is included in yoga breathing which gives energy, reduces stress and tension. To do the simhasana breathing exercise, take a comfortable sitting position.

Place your hands on your knees with your fingers wide apart. Inhale through your nose and open your mouth to stick your tongue out towards your chin.

By taking this position, the throat muscles will narrow. Finally, exhale through your mouth making a long 'ha' sound as you exhale. This exercise can be done three times a day.

From the various breathing exercises above, are there breathing exercises that you usually do and are useful for nourishing the heart?