Asmirandah Emphasizes The Importance Of Iron To Grow Child Flower

JAKARTA - Actress Asmirandah highlighted the importance of iron in supporting children's growth and development. She shared her personal experience in the role of iron and a healthy diet for her baby, Chloe Emmanuele Van Wattimena.

In the event 'Optimize The Small One's Iron, Support The Smartness of the Advanced Generation' organized by SGM. Jonas Rivanno's wife revealed that Chloe had experienced symptoms of iron deficiency, such as weakness, fatigue, sluggishness, and lack of focus. This makes him more aware of the importance of iron adequacy in the body for children.

"Indeed, symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, sluggishness, lack of focus, maybe this is a benchmark for iron deficiency," he said, when met on Jl. M. H. Thamrin, Central Jakarta on Monday, March 17.

This 35-year-old woman feels helped by the presence of an iron calculator, which can help parents in ensuring that their child's nutritional needs are met.

In an effort to ensure Chloe's optimal growth, Asmirandah prioritizes nutritious food intake, proper stimulation, and providing growth milk.

"In my opinion, it is important. Moreover, mothers usually want their children to be smarter than their mothers. Just like me, mothers must think the same way," he said.

He also emphasized that children's intelligence depends not only on genetic factors, but also on the efforts of parents in providing the best nutrition. Therefore, Asmirandah routinely screens and consults nutritionists to ensure Chloe's needs are met.

In choosing growth milk for Chloe, Asmirandah does not force her personal choice, but does see if her child likes her or not.

"I always leave the choice to the child and don't want to force it. But believe it or not, I also consume SGM," he said.

Asmirandah also shares tips on providing food for children. He does not apply coercion in Chloe's diet, but prefers to combine a daily food menu so that children are still interested in eating.

"I don't have a way to get Chloe to eat. But we can combine food every day with different menus and don't force children to eat this or that. We can definitely do it," he said.

As a mother, Asmirandah understands the concerns of many parents regarding their child's growth. However, she believes that by providing nutritious food, good stimulation, and proper growth milk, parents can ensure optimal growth and development of children.