5 Early Signs Of Heart Disease To Watch Out For
JAKARTA - The liver is the largest organ in the body that has many functions. This organ works to help regulate blood clots, produce bile, remove toxins from the bloodstream, and much more.
However, the liver can be damaged by illness or unhealthy living habits.
"Heart disease includes various conditions that affect liver function, such as fatty liver disease, cirrhosis, hepatitis, to cancer," said dr. Douglas Weine, a gastroenterologist at the Hackensack Meridian Health Center.
Unfortunately, the symptoms of liver disease often only appear when the damage is severe enough.
"Marks or symptoms of liver disease usually do not appear until there is finally significant liver damage," said Dr. Bubu Banini, a hepatologist and assistant professor at the Yale School of Medicine.
Here are 5 early signs of liver disease to watch out for, as reported by VOI from the Huffpost page on Saturday, March 15.
1. Yellow skin and eyes
One of the early signs of liver disease is the change in color in the body's skin and white eyes to yellow. This condition occurs due to excess bilirubin, the substance produced when the body breaks red blood cells.
Normally, bilirubin is processed by the liver and dumped from the body. However, if the liver does not function properly, the bilirubin can accumulate and cause changes in color to the eye.
If you experience these symptoms, immediately consult a doctor. Although high bilirubin is not always dangerous, this could be a serious problem for health.
2. Dark Urine
Usually, dark urine indicates that the body lacks fluids and needs more drinking. If you have drunk enough water, but urine remains dark (old orange, brown, or thick yellow), this can be a sign of liver disease.
"The dark sky in people with liver disease is also caused by the buildup of bilirubin in the blood which is finally released through urine. If this color change continues, it is best to immediately check with the doctor," explained Dr. Douglas Weine.
3. Confusion or Mental Disorder
Sometimes feeling confused and forgetting is a natural thing, but if you experience significant mental changes, this can be a sign of a more serious heart problem.
"A person who was previously healthy may experience acute liver failure by seeing changes in his mental condition, such as disorientation, confusion, or excessive sleepiness. If you experience these symptoms, immediately seek medical assistance," said dr. Bubu Banini.
4. Swelling in the Feet, ankle, or stomach
Soreness in the legs and ankles can be a sign of liver disease problems, especially in people who have cirrhosis. Sirosis is a condition when the liver is filled with scar tissue and cannot function normally.
According to the Mayo Clinic, cirrhosis can slow blood flow through the liver and increase pressure on the main blood vessels that bring blood to the liver. As a result, fluid can accumulate in the legs (edema) and in the stomach (assites).
In addition, if the liver is unable to produce enough blood proteins such as albumin, the fluid can accumulate in the body and cause swelling.
5. Easily Bruise or Bleeding
People with liver disease tend to experience bruises or bleeding more easily when injured. According to Dr. Douglas Weine, this happens because the heart plays a role in producing protein that helps blood clots.
"If the liver does not function properly, then the blood clotting process will be disrupted, so that the body is easier to experience bleeding or bruises." he said.