Already 93.73 Percent Of Regions Have Reallocated The Regional Budget For Handling COVID-19

JAKARTA - More than 90 percent of the province has refocused and reallocated the APBD as an effort to prevent the spread and accelerate the handling of COVID-19 within the local government.

"A total of around Rp. 55 trillion has been budgeted by provinces, regencies and cities to improve the quality of public health and provide assistance to people who are economically affected by this physical distancing policy," Moch said. Ardian, Director General of Regional Finance at the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) in his official statement, Monday 13 April.

This number is the last data entered on April 12, 2020. "This figure will continue to grow, because currently the data collected is still 93.73 percent. We will continue to update, especially for regions that have not reported yet, "continued Ardian.

This is in accordance with the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs (Inmendagri) Number 1 of 2020, namely that all regional heads immediately accelerate the prioritization of the use of budget allocations for certain activities (refocusing) or reallocation of budgets to increase health handling capacity, handling economic impacts, especially safeguarding the business world. each area is still alive, and the provision of a social safety net.

"Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian expressed his gratitude for the cohesiveness of the Regional Government, Regional Heads and DPRDs who carried out the Minister of Home Affairs Instruction," said Bahtiar, Head of the Information Center / Director General of Politics and PUM of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

"Some areas have not reported yet, we are still waiting. Some regions are still doing calculations and the number of reallocations will continue to grow," continued Bahtiar.

The Directorate General of Regional Finance at the Ministry of Home Affairs is actively providing guidance to the Regional Government in reallocating the APBD. Likewise, the Ministry of Home Affairs asks the Provincial Governments to actively provide guidance to Regency / City Governments for reallocation.

Refocusing and reallocation of the APBD is carried out through optimizing the use of Unexpected Expenditures (BTT) and is guided by the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 20 of 2020 concerning the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 in Local Government Environments.

In the Inmendagri No.1 / 2020, regional heads are also instructed to urge the public not to go home to avoid the spread of COVID-19.

"However, for those who have gone back and forth to carry out independent isolation and implement health protocols," concluded Ardian.