The Idea Of Homecoming For Students Not From Ma'ruf Amin, Then From Whom?

YOGYAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin's spokesperson, Masduki Baidlowi, said the proposal for the dispensation of homecoming for students to return home during Eid came from the PBNU.

"The idea to facilitate the return of the students was not from the Vice President. But it was the PBNU's suggestion," said Vice President Ma'ruf Amin's spokesman Masduki Baidlowi in a written statement.

According to Masduki, PBNU received many complaints from several leaders of the Islamic boarding schools. Therefore, Vice President Ma'ruf Amin responded to these complaints.

"After PBNU received many complaints from a number of Islamic boarding school leaders. PBNU then conveyed this to the vice president, through the vice president's spokesman," said Masduki.

In their statements, a number of leaders of the PBNU Islamic boarding school explained that the students rarely went home. Some even have not gone home for years.

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa previously appealed to all boarding school caregivers in the province not to make it difficult to provide cover letters for their students going home.

Meanwhile, the tightening of the movement of domestic travelers (PPDN) was enforced through Task Force Circular Letter Number 13 of 2021 for the period of 6-17 May, with an addendum to eliminating homecoming on 22 April-5 May and 18 May-24 May.