7 Foods That Cause Mouth Smell During Fasting, It's Better To Avoid Sahur

JAKARTA - When fasting, the smell of the mouth is often a disturbing problem, especially because saliva production is reduced due to not eating and drinking for hours. Some foods consumed during sahur or breaking the word can also worsen the smell of the mouth without realizing it.
"Party mouths can be very disturbing, especially if you've tried to overcome them but don't know what the cause is. Apart from genetic factors, mouth odors can come from daily eating habits, including eating foods that are secretly the cause of this problem," said shot Stanley, a dentist from North Carolina, United States.
Here are 7 foods that can cause mouth odor and a simple way to deal with them when you can't brush your teeth right away, as reported by the Eating Well page.
1. Citrus Fruit
Bacteria that cause the smell of the mouth to like an acidic environment. So, if you often eat sour fruits such as oranges, this can worsen the smell of the mouth, especially if you have stomach acid problems. Acid reflux can cause an unpleasant odor from the throat. To reduce the risk, try consuming sugar-free candy after eating citrus fruit to make the breath fresher.
2. High Protein Food
A high diet of protein can cause the smell of the mouth because when the body digests the protein, it produces ammonia, which smells similar to the cat's urine. If you often eat high protein foods, try consuming zinc-rich foods, such as spinach, zodal seeds, and Arabic beans. Zinc helps reduce plaque and mouth odor.
3. Canned Fish
Unlike fresh fish, canned fish such as tuna and salmon have oxidation. This produces trimethylamine compounds, which smell amis and can survive in the mouth. To overcome this, consumption of acid foods such as lemon juice or vinegar, which can bind to this compound and help remove it from the mouth. If not, chewing sugar-free rubber candy can also help to treat the smell of the mouth.
4. Cheese
Milk products, including cheese, contain amino acids that react with bacteria in the mouth and produce sulfur compounds. This can cause mouth odors such as rotten eggs. Taking mouthwash with mouthwash is not enough.
You should brush your teeth with influenced toothpaste more effectively to eradicate odor-causing bacteria. If you don't brush your teeth immediately, drinking water is effective in helping clean the rest of the food in your mouth.
5. Sauce
Like citrus fruit, tomatoes in pasta sauce are acidic and encourage the growth of bacteria that cause mouth odors. When eating pasta with red sauce, try to drink water while eating to rinse bacteria in the mouth.
6. Selai Kacang
Soybeans are rich in protein, but their sticky texture makes it difficult for saliva to break. Because bacteria like protein, peanut butter can be the main cause of mouth odor. If you like eating peanut butter, you should provide small mouthwash medicine to clean food residues and reduce oral odor.
7. Lobak Spicy (Horseradish)
Like most tubers, spicy potatoes contain isothiocyanate compounds, which can survive in the mouth, even after the food is swallowed. Drowning with water can actually worsen this smell. So, the best solution is to eat mints. Drinking mint tea or chewing sugar-free mint gum can help reduce the smell of the mouth.