The shortcut is strictly guarded for 24 hours, Getting In and Out Of Jakarta Will Be Difficult

YOGYAKARTA - Eid this year the COVID-19 pandemic has yet to be resolved. This made the government tighten and guard at several points in the archipelago.

It is known, the government officially prohibits people from carrying out Lebaran 2021 homecoming. The prohibition is as stated in the Circular Letter of the Head of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Number 13 of 2021, concerning the Elimination of Homecoming in the Month of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr 1442 Hijriah during the 6th -17 May 2021.

However, even though the government has explicitly issued a policy prohibiting homecoming, not a few people still intend to return to their hometown using the mouse road or alternative road.

To cope with the surge in travelers who use shortcuts to get in and out of DKI Jakarta, Jakarta Traffic Police has conducted a mapping and closed all rat trails for 24 hours non-stop.

From Travel to Motorbikes Cannot Homecoming

It should be noted, this year the barrier for travelers has taken a firm stand against illegal travel vehicles to motorbike drivers who are desperate to pass through a shortcut road.

Previously, Director of Jakarta Traffic Police Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo explained that his party had determined the location of the isolation to prohibit the Eid homecoming on May 6-17.

"The second point of isolation is mainly for the 'shortcut', both illegal travel and motorbike travelers", said Kombes Sambodo, quoted from Antara, Saturday, April 17.

According to Sambodo, the reckless travelers, they will be told to make a U-turn through several security posts. Then, illegal travel will be subject to ticket sanctions.

The ticket penalty for illicit travel refers to Article 308 of Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation, with a maximum fine of IDR 500,000 or maximum imprisonment of 2 months.

Apart from illicit travel, bus operators who continue to operate and carry passengers will be subject to sanctions, either a warning or a business revocation from the Ministry of Transportation.

Lockdown Points Conducted by Jakarta Metro Police

Reporting from Antara, Sunday, April 18, Polda Metro Jaya has prepared 31 security posts consisting of 14 isolation points and 17 security posts or checkpoints.

The Siphon Cibeet Bridge, Bekasi, West Java is one of the insulating points for the 2021 Eid homecoming. This route is a mouse road that connects Bekasi and Karawang Regencies.

Then the other blocking points are the Cikarang Barat and Kedungwaringin Toll Gates, Bekasi. It is important to know, if the officer will close the toll gate Cikampek, including Cikampek Layang (elevated).

Even though the Eid al-Fitr homecoming is prohibited by the government, those of you who have an Exit-Entry Permit (SIKM) can still enter and enter DKI Jakarta and are free to pass through security posts without having to make a U-turn.

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