Definition Of National Economic Recovery Program Or PEN Initiated By The Government

YOGYAKARTA - The meaning of National Economic Recovery or PEN must be understood thoroughly, especially for people who want to know the direction of Government policies related to the current economy. This policy will certainly have an impact on the welfare of the community in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic.

As is well known, COVID-19 does not only have an impact on social and health, but also on the national and even global economy. The impact began to be felt in the second quarter of 2020 and continues until now.

Definition of National Economic Recovery or PEN

The decline has continued to occur, however, the Government has continued to issue policies for economic recovery. This has also encouraged the President through his ministers to issue various stimuli to the public. The incentive is part of the National Economic Recovery or PEN.

Based on Government Regulation Number 23 of 2020, the National Economic Recovery (PEN) program is a series of activities for the recovery of the national economy which is part of the state financial policy implemented by the Government to accelerate the handling of the Corona Vints Disease 2Ol9 (COVID19) pandemic and / or face threats that endanger the economy. national --and / or financial system stability as well as saving the national economy.

The PEN program aims to protect, maintain, and improve the economic capacity of Business Actors in running their businesses. This program is run on several principles, namely as follows.

The principle of social justice, the greatest prosperity of the people, Supporting Business Actors, Applying prudent policy principles, as well as good governance, transparent, accelerated, fair, and accountable in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations, Does not cause moral hazard. There is a sharing of costs and risks among stakeholders according to their respective duties and authorities.

In implementing the PEN program, the central government focuses its policies on business actors including MSMEs and the community. These two elements are considered to have played an important role in accelerating Indonesia's economic recovery.

Reporting from, national economic recovery is carried out by adopting comprehensive fiscal and monetary policies. The economic recovery is expected to run well. To that end, the government has issued at least three targets, namely increasing domestic consumption, increasing business activity, and maintaining economic stability and monetary expansion.

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