Rizieq Shihab Cecar Ministry Of Home Affairs Civil Servants On FPI SKT

JAKARTA - Rizieq Shihab has criticized Abda Ali's civil servant (PNS) of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) about the reasons behind not renewing the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) registered certificate (SKT).

Abda Ali was presented by the public prosecutor (JPU) as a witness in the trial of cases of suspected crowds and violations of health protocols (prokes).

Initially, Rizieq confirmed the data regarding the validity period of the FPI SKT which expired on June 20, 2019. Then, he also questioned the reason the Ministry of Home Affairs refused to extend the SKT.

In fact, the Ministry of Religion has granted FPI's request for a split recommendation. Even the FPI's vision and mission which had been problematic had been addressed.

"You know what, the recommendation issued by the Ministry of Religion? How? Have you seen the letter? Do you know the press release?" asked Rizieq during a trial at the East Jakarta District Court, Thursday, April 22.

"I never got the letter, sir," said Ali.

Ali answered that one of the reasons that the request was not granted was related to organizational AD / ART.

"What causes it, sir, is there because in the AD / ART he rejects the dispute resolution mechanism and the organization's internal supervision," Ali explained.

Hearing that answer, Rizeq Shihab continued to harass Ali with various questions. One of them is about the organization's dissolution procedure.

Ali answered that question, so that the organization must go through three warning stages. For example, written warnings, termination of activities, and revocation of SKT or legal status.

Rizieq Shihab then asked Ali to explain whether or not the organization could hold an event even though the SKT had been revoked or was being extended.

"I ask for more confirmation so as not to get confused. So organizations that do not have SKT or SKT have ended and are still in the process of extending, can these organizations continue to carry out activities in this matter such as humanitarian activities, helping others, maintaining security? asked Rizieq.

"Yes," said Ali.

Hearing Ali's answer, Rizieq concluded that FPI's action in making the letter of invitation to the Prophet Muhammad's birthday with a KOP and organizational seal was not a mistake.

"The judge, the prosecutor showed the letter on the FPI letter inviting the masses, I did not reject it, it was true that the FPI letter invited the crowd," said Rizieq.

"What was wrong with FPI using the FPI header before FPI was disbanded," continued Rizieq.