Compare With The Petamburan Case, Rizieq Shihab: Alhamdulillah The Tebet Crowd Was Not Processed

JAKARTA - Rizieq Shihab compared the crowd that occurred in Petamburan with the crowd in Tebet. Rizieq mentioned that only the Petamburan crowd was legally processed.

Rizieq in the follow-up hearing admitted that he was grateful for the difference in the legal process. Because the crowd in Tebet is also being questioned, the cases that will ensnare him will increase.

This statement was made when Rizieq Shihab asked his question about the application of health protocols at the Prophet's birthday in Tebet, South Jakarta.

This question was addressed to three witnesses, namely the Tebet Police Chief, Kompol Budi Cahyono, a private employee Cecep Sutisna, and a member of the Tebet Timur Police Fostering Public Security and Order, Tamam.

The witnesses' answers did not differ much. They said the Prophet's birthday event caused a crowd. The witness said that some of Rizieq Shihab's sympathizers did not apply the health protocol.

"(Sympathizers) are gathering", Budi said at the trial at the East Jakarta District Court, Thursday, April 22.

"What I saw was that there were those who did not wear masks, meaning that most of them were used", said Tamam.

"Oh, in Tebet, the average person wears a mask, only a small part doesn't wear it", said Cecep.

Hearing the witnesses' answers, Rizieq Shihab then compared the Tebet crowd with the Petamburan crowd which was the subject of the case. He found it strange that the Tebet crowd that occurred on November 13, 2020, was not a problem.

"So those in Tebet are the same crowd as those in Petamburan are not processed, those in Petamburan are processed", said Rizieq.

However, Rizieq is grateful that the crowd in Tebet has not been dragged into the criminal realm. Because if that happens there will be more and more cases of violations of the prokes. Of course, Rizieq said it would take up more time and energy.

"I am grateful, don't worry Sir Budi, instead I thank Allah. Alhamdulillah, the Maulid in Tebet was not processed, because if it was processed I would add four files. Alhamdulillah, it was not processed, because I was also there", he said.

"So I am grateful to Allah that if it is not processed, I am only to convince in this Assembly it is a fact of the trial that the Maulid crowd in Tebet were not processed to court, the ones that were processed was the Maulid crowd in Petamburan", continued Rizieq.

Rizieq Shihab was charged with incitement to the appearance of a crowd at his daughter's wedding as well as commemorating the Prophet's birthday in Petamburan, Central Jakarta. This crowd is taking place in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

In this case, Rizieq was charged with violating Article 160 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 93 of Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code and or Article 82 paragraph 1 in conjunction with Article 59 paragraph 3 letters c and d Law Number 16 of 2017 concerning Community Organization in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 10 letter b of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 35 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.