Bareskrim Explains The Role Of The Kohod Village Head And Other Suspects In The Case Of Forgery Of Marine Pagar Land Deeds
JAKARTA - The village head (Kade) of Kohod, Arsin, and three other people have been named as suspects for falsifying land certificates related to the sea fence in the waters of Tangerang Regency.
They are said to have agreed to create and use fake documents in the process of making Building Use Rights (HGB) and Ownership Certificates (SHM).
The other three suspects are known to be UK as the Village Secretary (Sekdes) of Kohod; SP and CE who are the recipients of power.
"The four of them have jointly made and used fake letters in the form of giriks, physical control statements in the land sector, non-dispute statements, land certificates, witness statements," said the Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Djuhandhani Rahardjo Puro to reporters, Tuesday, February 18.
In addition, they also made a power of attorney for the processing of certificate applications. The letter was made by using the names of Kohod Village residents. The making started in late 2023.
"What was made by the village head, the village secretary from December 2023 to November 2024," he said.
Djuhandhani also explained that the counterfeiting actions carried out by the suspects so far were economically motivated. However, an in-depth investigation is still being carried out to ensure things that encourage them to commit crimes.
"When we talk about motive, at this time we are continuing to develop, which is clear, of course, this is related to the economy, the economy about motives for them. This is what we continue to develop," he said.
Moreover, the economic motive is a temporary conclusion. Because, the suspects threw each other when they investigated the motives and sources of money. They mention each other's names about this.
"We are carrying out a confrontation, we are carrying out a confrontation between the village secretary, village head and power. Here, there is mutual money from here, this is rotating between the three of them," said Djuhandhani.
"So from there we were able to conclude that it was from them who were trying to profit from this problem," continued Djuhandhani.
However, Djuhandhani could not confirm the money obtained by Kade Kohod and other suspects. The deepening process is still being carried out to reveal it.
"There is no further test yet because each of them still provides different information, throws each other. So of course later we will be able to find out from further examinations," said Djuhandhani.
The suspect was charged with Article 263 of the Criminal Code regarding the crime of forgery of letters and the use of fake letters. Then, Article 264 of the Criminal Code concerning falsification of authentic deeds, such as marriage certificates, debt securities, and credit letters. Finally, Article 262 of the Criminal Code concerning forgery and the use of documents.