Rizieq Shihab Denies: No Doctor Said I Was Positive For COVID-19

JAKARTA - Rizieq Shihab emphasized that not a single doctor had ever conveyed that he was exposed to COVID-19. Information about his health, called COVID-19, only became known to Rizieq Shihab after several were treated at the UMMI Hospital.

Rizieq Shihab in the trial initially mentioned about Dr. Nerina Mayakartifa who treated her at the UMMI Hospital. Doctor Nerina called Rizieq Shihab did not inform him of being exposed to COVID-19. Doctor Nerina, according to Rizieq Shihab, only conveyed signs that she was experiencing symptoms that led to COVID-19.

"He said he only did the treatment. Doctor Nerina came five times. Always explained the tension, came (explained) that the saturation was not normal, there was an infection in the lungs, now it all leads to COVID-19," Rizieq said in a trial at the East Jakarta District Court, Wednesday , April 21.

Rizieq said that during his treatment there was no doctor who informed him about his health. Including an accompanying doctor.

"But at that time there was not even a single doctor, I explained, including doctor Hadiki. Not a single doctor told me there was no COVID-19. But if the doctor said I was' just be careful this pandemic is COVID-19 Habib must take care of yourself, you have to take the medicine, "he explained.

Rizieq Shihab in the trial admitted that he only learned that he was positively exposed to COVID-19 on November 30. This condition was discovered after the results of the PCR swab he did on 27 November came out.

"But I know that I am positive for COVID after the PCR swab test on November 30 is very important for me to convey," he said.

In this case, Rizieq Shihab was charged with spreading fake news or hoaxes that caused confusion. This false news is related to his health condition which was confirmed positive for COVID-19 while at UMMI Hospital in Bogor, West Java.

Rizieq Shihab was charged with Article 14 paragraph (1), paragraph (2), Article 15 of Law Number 1 of 1946 concerning Criminal Law Regulations and / or Article 14 paragraph (1), paragraph (2) of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4 years 1984 concerning Communicable Disease Outbreaks and / or Article 216 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.