This Doctor Called The Managing Director Of UMMI Hospital Andi Noted Covering Up The Positive Condition Of Rizieq Shihab COVID-19

JAKARTA - A specialist in internal medicine at UMMI Hospital, Dr. Nerina Mayakartifa, said that the statement of the defendant Andi Tatat about Rizieq Shihab's health condition to the mass media was different from what actually happened.

This confession was conveyed by Dr. Nerina Mayakartifa when she was a witness in the trial of the UMMI Hospital swab results for the defendants Rizieq Shihab, Andi Tatat, and Hanif Alatas.

Initially, the presiding judge Khadwanto asked the witnesses about the handling steps taken against Rizieq Shihab when he arrived at the UMMI Bogor Hospital.

"I did a complete examination. Then we also checked the CT Scan Torax lab to see the lungs," said Nerina at the trial at the East Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, April 21.

Meanwhile, the prosecutor touched on special handling steps for COVID-19 patients. The witness said that nothing special was done regarding Rizieq Shihab.

"That (action for COVID-19 patients) does not include Rapid and Swab because the operation (patient submission) has been confirmed," he said.

"The CT scan supports it and the lab results support the signs of COVID-19. I did not repeat the rapid test and swab because according to the operand it was confirmed," continued Nerina.

Responding to the witness' answer, the member judge asked the defendant Andi Tatat's statement to the mass media which said Rizieq Shihab was in good health.

"Based on the report on TV One, what do you think from Andi Tatat?" asked the judge.

"This is not the direction of COVID-19 according to what I know," replied Nerina.

The judge again asked about the results of the medical examination of Rizieq Shihab.

"But based on the results of the CT scan towards COVID-19?" asked the judge.

"I see," said Nerina.

The Managing Director of the Bogor UMMI Hospital, Andi Tatat, was charged with spreading lies related to Rizieq Shihab's health condition. Andi Tatat once stated that Rizieq Shihab was in good health when in fact he was exposed to COVID-19.

The prosecutor in the indictment explained that Rizieq Shihab was initially examined by the MER-C medical team. From the results of the antigen swab test, according to the prosecutor Rizieq Shihab was positive for COVID-19.

From the results of this antigen swab test, Rizieq's wife, Fadlun, also tested positive for COVID-19. Both were then treated at the UMMI Bogor Hospital.

At the hospital, Rizieq Shihab and his wife were again examined. The result, according to prosecutor Rizieq and his wife, was positive for COVID-19.

According to the prosecutor, the lie occurred when the Managing Director of the UMMI Hospital on November 26, 2020 gave a statement saying Rizieq Shihab was healthy.

"The results of the screening in our team, thank God, did not lead to COVID-19, indeed he had a history of patients at the UMMI Hospital so he came here in good health, what is his name while being fresh but still being monitored, the results of the X-ray lab are all good," said Andi Tatat in a statement set forth in the indictment.