6 How To Stop Chocolate Flek After Haid, Let's Apply!

YOGYAKARTA After menstruation ends, some women may still emit brown spots that last for several days. These conditions are generally normal, but if they occur for a long time accompanied by stomach cramps or severe bleeding, this certainly causes discomfort. To overcome this, you can apply a way to stop brown spots after menstruation.
Brown spots after menstruation are usually late bloodstains. The release of brown spots from the vagina can last for 1 or 2 days after menstruation, but some people can also experience brown spots for about 1-2 weeks.
So, how to stop brown spots after menstruation? Come on, find out the answer in the review below.
Compiled from various sources, how to stop brown spots after menstruation can be done by changing the KB method, managing stress, and undergoing hormone therapy. Here's the explanation:
Brown spots that appear after menstruation are often experienced by women who are undergoing the KB program. The use of hormonal contraception, such as birth control pills, can trigger the release of brown spots after menstruation.
This condition occurs because birth control pills can change the menstrual pattern. Generally, brown spots arise from women who have just used hormonal contraception.
If brown spots often occur after using hormonal KB, discuss this conjunction with doctors to consider whether it is necessary to change the KB method as a way to stop brown spots after menstruation.
Stress can affect the hypotalamus gland, which is the part that regulates the reproductive hormone. Well, long psychological stress can increase levels of the hormone estrogen in the body so that it interferes with the menstrual cycle, including the release of brown spots after menstruation.
For this reason, managing stress wisely can be a way to stop brown spots after menstruation. Some ways to manage stress that you can do are meditation, exercise, and adequate rest.
The release of brown spots after menstruation is one indication of hormonal disorders, such as the Policytic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), which is a condition in which the ovaries produce excessive androgen hormones.
This hormonal imbalance can lead to several complaints, such as irregular menstruation and little menstrual flow so as to reduce spots.
Until now, there is no drug that can cure PCOS, but the symptoms can be prevented by living a healthy lifestyle, such as eating nutritious food, exercising regularly, and keeping weight ideal.
Women who smoke are more at risk of developing brown spots after menstruation. According to a study, nicotine content in cigarettes can cause women to experience an excess of hormone androgen.
If the homonous androgenous levels in women exceed the normal limit, some reproductive health problems, including menstrual disorders, occur, such as the emergence of brown spots after menstruation.
Therefore, quitting smoking is one way to stop brown spots after menstruation. In addition, stopping this habit can also take care of overall health.
Drinking enough water helps facilitate blood circulation so that the rest of the menstruation can be issued better.
In adults, the recommended consumption of water is about eight glasses measuring 230 ml per day or a total of 2 liters.
In women over 45 years old, the release of brown spots either before or after menstruation, may be a symptom of menopause.
When the body enters the menopause period, the ovaries no longer produce sufficient estrogen hormones and progesterone hormones. Changes in hormone levels cause symptoms, one of which is the emergence of brown spots.
The release of brown spots after menstruation due to menopause symptoms can be stopped by undergoing hormonal therapy. However, this therapy is intended to increase hormone levels in the body as well as relieve symptoms of menopause.
That's information about how to stop brown spots after menstruation. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.