The Ministry Of Trade Ensures Smooth Medical Device Distribution During PSBB

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) ensures that the distribution of medical devices and basic necessities to various regions remains safe despite the imposition of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB). The Ministry of Trade has also compiled steps to secure the availability of medical devices.

Director General of Domestic Trade of the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) Suhanto said that the Ministry of Trade has coordinated with all regional heads, in order to avoid obstacles in the distribution of medical devices.

Suhanto emphasized that despite the imposition of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB), the distribution of medical devices to areas cannot be covered.

"We have confirmed to the regents and mayors that the distribution of goods, basic necessities, essential goods, and others, we really ask that there are no obstacles," he said, in a virtual meeting with Commission IX of the DPR, Wednesday, April 8.

Suhanto said, to ensure the availability and smooth supply of goods needed by the community, the Minister of Trade has also issued a Circular (SE) No.317 / M-DAG / SD / 04/2020 on Friday, April 3.

According to him, the circular has also been distributed to regents and mayors. The goal is that all regions open access to the distribution of goods, including basic necessities, all types of medicines, medical devices, and other necessities.

The Ministry of Trade, said Suhanto, will also continue to coordinate with the Trade Office in all regions in Indonesia to ensure the smooth flow of distribution of people's basic needs amid the COVID-19 pandemic and the enactment of the PSBB.

"From the coordination that has been carried out, so far we have not been able to report any obstacles to the distribution of goods," he explained.

Secure Supply of Medical Devices

Suhanto explained that a number of steps had also been taken by the Ministry of Trade to secure the supply of medical devices for handling COVID-19. Several regulations of the Minister of Trade (Permendag) have also been revised to respond to the need for medical devices in the country.

First, said Suhanto, the issuance of the Minister of Trade Regulation No23/2020 concerning the Temporary Prohibition of Export of Antiseptics, Mask Raw Materials, Personal Protective Equipment and Masks which took effect from March 18, 2020.

The ban, he continued, was to ensure the availability of antiseptics and other medical devices to support medical personnel services in dealing with COVID-19. Moreover, the need for these products is very high in Indonesia.

Then, said Suhanto, the second is the issuance of Permendag No.28 / 2020 concerning the Eighth Amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of Trade No.87 / 2015 concerning Provisions on the Import of Certain Products. This regulation is related to the relaxation of import permits for medical devices, personal protective equipment and medical clothing starting March 23, 2020.

"The main point in this provision is to remove the obligation to report surveyors and temporary import permits until June 30, 2020," he said.

According to Suhanto, the temporary exemption of import permits and surveyor reports for products related to the procurement of medical devices has been coordinated with a number of ministries and agencies.

Not only that, according to Suhanto, the Ministry of Trade through the Directorate General of Consumer Protection and Business Order (PKTN) has collaborated with the police and the TNI to monitor the prices of medical devices.

This step was taken to ensure that the prices of products to support the handling of the corona virus did not increase due to hoarding.