3 Questions That Make An Introvert Feel Uncomfortable

JAKARTA - A person who is introverted tends to feel more comfortable with himself and avoids crowds. When interacting, an introvert is also more careful and choosing words because speaking too much will make you feel depressed and uncomfortable.

Apart from speaking, some questions will also make an introvert feel uncomfortable. Quoting from Your Tango, here are some questions that make introverts feel uncomfortable, according to psychologists.

1. 'Why are you so shy?'

This question makes an introvert feel cornered. In addition, shyness and introverts are two different things, so when asked why shyness makes introverts feel disturbed.

Shy people usually feel afraid of being judged or judged negative by others, so it is difficult for them to socialize. Meanwhile, introverts prefer a quiet and not crowded environment, so they have their own time to recharge after interacting with many people.

2. 'Why don't you like people?'

This is also a question that disturbs an introvert. This question makes them look antisocial and awkward, even though the nature of the introverts actually has nothing to do with how much they like or not to others.

The nature of introverts is more related to their need to withdraw to feel more comfortable, not because they don't care about those around them.

3. 'Are you not lonely?'

According to the psychology professor, Thuy-Vy Nguyen and Netta Weinstein, loneliness and loneliness are two different things. Being alone is a state when a person does not interact with other people, while the loneliness of feelings that arise when a person feels that the social world is not in line with his expectations.

Loneliness can not only be felt alone, but can also appear when with other people. As for introverts themselves, instead of making them feel lonely, alone feels more like time with their own world and processes everything around them.