Desperate To Homecoming Before May 6, Must Be Isolated Outside The Hometown

JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX of the House of Representatives Muchamad Nabil Haroen, estimates that the community will carry out the tradition of returning to their hometowns before May 6, following the implementation of the 2021 Homecoming ban by the government ahead of Eid.

In the midst of efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19, Nabil suggested that residents who were receptive to going home be isolated before entering their hometowns. For example, with self-isolation in inns or hotels.

"So, the regional government must coordinate with the local village government to arrange for villages to be prevented from spreading the virus", said Nabil, Monday, April 19.

According to the PDIP politician, the Regional Government can carry out isolation measures for the recommended time or by showing a negative COVID-19 letter from the authorized institution. To prevent the spread of the virus in collaboration with the local village government.

Also, the Central Government must coordinate with local governments so that the information is accurate. "This one-stop policy which is integration between the central and regional governments is very important", said Nabil.

As is well known, the government has banned the homecoming of all circles of society, including BUMN employees, private employees, civil servants, members of the TNI-Police, formal and informal workers, to the general public.

People who are receptive to going home can be sanctioned according to Law number 6 of 2018 concerning health quarantine.

The rules for prohibiting homecoming on May 6-17 are contained in the Circular of the Head of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Number 13 of 2021 concerning the elimination of the Eid al-Fitr 1442 Hijriah homecoming and efforts to control the spread of COVID-19 during the holy month of Ramadan 1442 Hijrah.

In the Circular, it is stated that people who are receptive to going home will be given sanctions based on the Law (UU) on health quarantine.

Article 93 of the Health Quarantine Law states that imprisonment is a maximum of one year and/or a maximum fine of up to IDR 100 million for people who do not comply with the implementation of health quarantine.

"Every person who does not comply with the administration of health quarantine as referred to in Article 9 paragraph (1) and or obstructs the implementation of health quarantine to cause a public health emergency will be punished with imprisonment of up to 1 year and/or a maximum fine of IDR 100,000,000", reads Article 93.

Several local authorities have also issued policies to support central government decisions. The East Java Regional Police, for example, will insulate seven border points.

The Central Java Regional Police have prepared 14 isolation points, the posts of which have been established since Monday, April 12.

The Central Java Regional Police will also deploy around 11 thousand joint TNI-Police personnel to be stationed at points of the homecoming route.

The West Java Regional Police have prepared 338 insulating posts throughout the West Java Regional Police's jurisdiction to prevent people from going home.

Meanwhile, the Yogyakarta Special Region Police have prepared 10 isolation points that are guarded for 24 hours.

Head of Traffic Police, Inspector General Mr. Istiono, said that residents who are determined to homecoming start before May 6, 2021, will be quarantined for five days.

The quarantine is not in their respective homes, but in a place that has been provided by the local government.