Update On COVID-19 As Of April 7: PSBB Efforts To Protect Communities

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Task Force for Handling COVID-19 Achmad Yurianto explained the data on the results of developments as of April 7 which had an additional 274 positive cases for approximately 24 hours. Thus, the total or the national scale becomes 2,738 positive cases.

Of the hundreds of new cases, DKI Jakarta is still the region with the most positive cases contributor. Based on the data, around 135 positive cases were found and the accumulative total touched 1,369 cases.

Then, the second largest contributor was West Java with the addition of 80 cases. Thus, a total of 343 people tested positive for COVID-19.

On the other hand, cases recovered and died also increased by the same number, namely 12 people. As a result, a total of 204 people recovered and 221 people died.

With the large number of positive cases found, especially in DKI Jakarta, the provincial government will soon implement Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) after being approved by the Minister of Health (Menkes).

This is also said to be an effort to break the chain of the spread of COVID-19. For this reason, people are also asked to obey the rules that have been established so that they are not infected or infectious.

"The objective of the PSBB is to really provide assurance that the chain of transmission of COVID-19 can be decided by complying with it together," said Yuri at Graha BNPB, Jakarta, Tuesday, April 7.

Even though the implementation of the PSBB will be difficult for certain circles, the long-term benefits can certainly be felt. This rule is claimed to be able to prevent crowds, both in the context of arts and culture, so that the spread of COVID-19 in the community will be even smaller.

Then, the rules of the PSBB can be carried out by all levels of society by not carrying out social mobilization or long-distance travel.

"To break the chain of transmission by not doing social mobilization for any purposes if it is not needed," said Yuri.