Sad News, Adiguna Sutowo Dian Sastro's In-laws Passed Away At The Age Of 62

JAKARTA - There is sad news this Sunday, April 18. The in-laws of actress Dian Sastrowardoyo, Adiguna Sutowo, reportedly died.

The news was circulating in the alumni group of Tarakanita 1 school. Dian Sastro is one of the alumni of the school.

"It's true, he (Adiguna) passed away," said a VOI source who once went to school with the late Adiguna Sutowo, Sunday, April 18.

The source told VOI a little about the father figure of Maulana Indraguna Sutowo (Dian Sastro's husband). According to him, Adiguna has been a smart man since school.

"At school, he (Adiguna) was a very smart kid. He only brought a book to school, but if the tests were 8, 9, and 10. So it's no wonder that his business is not good," explained the source.

The following is the contents of the WhatsApp broadcast message circulating regarding the death of Adiguna Sutowo:

"Innalilahi Wa Innalilahirojiun ... Has Passed Away to the Divine Presence of the late Mas Adiguna Sutowo Bin Ibnu Sutowo Sunday, April 18, 2021 at 04.05 WIB, accompanied by prayers and deep grief May the late Husnul Khotimah be in the best place with Allah SWT Al Fateha Aamiin Aamiin YRA 🤲🤲🌟😔. "

Adiguna Sutowo is Pontjo Sutowo's younger brother. He was born on May 31, 1958.

Adiguna is the son of Ibnu Sutowo, former President Director of PT Pertamina and a retired three-star general from the Soeharto era.

Adiguna is the boss of the pharmaceutical company PT Suntri Sepuri. The company, which was founded in 1998, produces tablets, capsules, syrups and suspensions, dry syrup / powder for beta lactam injection.