Pursuing Target, DKI Provincial Government Submits Academic Script For Free School Rules At The End Of This Month

Acting Head of the DKI Jakarta Education Office, Sarjoko, said that the DKI Provincial Government will submit an academic paper that will regulate the implementation of free private schools in Jakarta at the end of this month.

This academic manuscript will be compiled into a revision of Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 8 of 2006 concerning the Implementation and Management of Education. This revision of the regional regulation is the legal umbrella for free schools which will run in the new school year 2025/2026.

"The plan is at the end of this month so that it can be resolved. What is clear is that this morning we are having a meeting with the Ministry of Home Affairs' legal bureau to centralize the material in the draft," said Sarjoko at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Thursday, January 16.

The DKI Provincial Government and the DKI Jakarta DPRD previously made a commitment to free schools for the private sector to be implemented this year. However, Sarjoko has not been able to confirm whether the target is achieved or will be delayed because it takes additional time to prepare

"Yes, the plan is like that, but once again we are in the process. We can't believe that it will be actualized in the new school year, once again we will push it from the side of the rules," said Sarjoko.

Regarding budgeting, Sarjoko also admitted that the DKI Provincial Government has not allocated a special budget for free school programs. It could be that the budget allocation is included in the Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) Plus program ceiling.

"One alternative (including the KJP budget). We can't confirm how the financing will be, but we encourage the procurement process to be completed first, then we will discuss the financing scheme again with TAPD," he explained.

Deputy Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Regional Regulation Formation Agency Jhonny Simanjuntak urged the DKI Provincial Government to immediately prepare an academic paper for the revision of Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 8 of 2006 concerning the Implementation and Management of Education.

Meanwhile, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and the DKI DPRD agreed to implement a free school program for the private sector in the new academic year 2025/2026.

"If the study is quickly submitted by the executive, we can immediately execute it. We have conveyed it to the Education Office," Jhonny told reporters, Friday, January 3.

Jhonny emphasized that academic papers were needed so that the revision of Regional Regulation Number 8 of 2006 could be immediately discussed. That way, the implementation of free schools has definite legal rules.

"Academic studies need to exist and then later we will also prepare how we will involve experts in hearings with Commission E to get input," said Jhonny.

In one content, Jhonny emphasized that the Bapemperda of the DKI DPRD is ready to revise Regional Regulation Number 8 of 2006 and include regulations regarding free private schools.

"We are very ready. We will even be proactive in responding to this (free school). We will communicate with the Education Office and related matters. So Bapemperda is very ready to make the priority scale a priority scale," he said.