Commission VIII Of The House Of Representatives Is Ready To Revise The Hajj Law If Indonesia Gets A Waste Of Neighboring State Quota

JAKARTA - Commission VIII DPR is ready to revise the Hajj Law if Indonesia gets an overflow of quotas from neighboring countries. Chairman of Commission VIII DPR Marwan Dasopang said his party would make 2-3 articles to regulate this.

This was conveyed by Marwan regarding the proposed cutting of the neighboring country's hajj quota to be given to Indonesia as a solution to the lack of quota for pilgrims in the country.

"That's an idea that is bigger within Indonesia, to allow the dispatch, we have to revise the law first. We have to revise the Hajj law. It's okay if we want to get it or not, but at least the legal basis is already there that Indonesia sends pilgrims through friendly countries. We will make a clause later. Maybe 2-3 articles are needed," said Marwan, Thursday, January 16.

Marwan revealed that many friendly countries have offered their Hajj quotas for use. It's just a matter of time, he said, the Indonesian Ministry of Religion discussed this with the Saudi Arabian government.

"If it is included in our Law article later, then it will be discussed with the Saudi side," said Marwan.

As for friendly countries that allow the hajj quota to be used by Indonesia, namely the Philippines and Central Asian states such as Kirghistan and Kazakhstan.

"The Muslim spirit is large so that their multiplication of 1 to 1,000 is quite large. But the sense of pilgrimage is not yet, because it is still just independent. Still if you say you don't believe it, yes Muslims. But the spirit is not yet. Maybe it will take a few years to strengthen religion better," said Marwan.

If the article on adding the hajj quota is made, added Marwan, then there are two schemes. First, shift the congregation from Mina to Hotel with tanazul. Second, filled with sending pilgrims through the overflow of quotas from friendly countries.

"The vacancy of 50 thousand can be filled with an additional 20 thousand. So we have a moral request for an additional quota of 20 thousand pilgrims because this is empty Mina's space. Well, our task is to encourage BPKH to be able to increase the value of the benefits, so it should no longer be just IDR 12 trillion but it must be up to 15 trillion. Could that be? maybe. I see it maybe," said Marwan.

"Secondly, later we will fill it out by sending Indonesian pilgrims through friendly countries that do not complete their quotas. If that can be done, of course, shortening the waiting list," concluded the PKB legislator.