This Is What PAN Said About Being Offered A Ration By Minister Jokowi

JAKARTA - It is known that President Joko Widodo is currently working on a number of names to overhaul his cabinet. Following the merger of the Ministry of Research and Technology and the Ministry of Education and Culture, as well as the ministry of investment.

Later, the President was said to be going to shake up the cabinet in Volume II reshuffle, by accommodating PAN who joined the government.

Responding to this, Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) faction in the DPR Saleh Partaonan Daulay said that until now his political parties had not received an offer to join the Advanced Indonesia cabinet. entered into the cabinet, "said Saleh, Saturday, April 17.

According to him, changing ministers is the prerogative of the president which is constitutional. PAN, he said, respects all presidential decisions. "The president has the right to evaluate the ranks of presidential assistants in the cabinet," said Saleh.

Previously, political observer from UIN Syarif Hidayatullah predicted that President Jokowi would accommodate PAN who had joined the government. fighting from Amien Rais' camp, "said UIN political observer Syarif Hidayatullah Gun Gun Heryanto to VOI, written on Saturday, April 17.