5 Dirty Usus Cleaners, Must Be Consumed

JAKARTA - Equipment health is the main key to keeping the body fit and energized. Clean use helps the body absorb nutrients better and prevents various diseases. One natural way to clean the intestines is to eat fruits rich in fiber and nutrients. Here are 5 fruits that must be tried to clean the dirty intestines, as reported by VOI from the Seed page on Tuesday, January 14.1. Give rich in fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. Fiber in the berries encourages good bacterial growth, produces short chain fatty acids, and supports regular defecation. Try to add frozen berries into the smoothie or sprinkle on the oceanmeal.2. One medium-sized apple contains more than 20% of your daily fiber needs. A rich apple will be pektin, a soluble fiber that supports the function of the intestines and cholesterol management. Enjoy appless with its skin to get maximum fiber benefits. 3. JerukJeruk, lemon, and graphefruit are abundant sources of vitamin C. This Vitamin not only supports immunity, but also protects intestinal cells. Try eating fresh oranges or using them as marinasi spices.

4. AlpukatAlpukat mengandung sekitar 13 gram serat per buah, menjadikannya salah satu buah dengan kandungan serat tertinggi. Alpukat juga kaya akan vitamin E, K, dan lemak sehat. Tambahkan alpukat ke dalam smoothie, sandwich, atau taco untuk variasi.5. DelimaDelima kaya akan antioksidan seperti punicalagin dan antosianin, serta serat dan vitamin C. Buah ini juga mendukung aktivitas prebiotik dengan membantu bakteri usus memproduksi metabolit yang bermanfaat. Taburkan biji delima di atas salad atau gunakan sebagai topping bruschetta untuk sentuhan unik.