Sad News Comes From Sorong, 3 Patients Died From COVID-19 In A Week

JAKARTA - The Task Force for Handling COVID-19 in Sorong City, West Papua Province, stated that three positive COVID-19 patients had died this week.

"Data received from the medical team added that three positive COVID-19 patients died, so that the total number of patients who died in the city of Sorong due to the Corona virus reached 52 people," said Sorong City COVID-19 Handling Task Force spokesman Ruddy Rudolf Lakku in Sorong, Saturday.

He said that not only the addition of patients who died, this week also added 68 new positive patients for COVID-19, bringing the total to 3,073 people.

"However, the total number of COVID-19 patients who have been declared cured is 2,820 or 91.76 percent," he said.

According to him, quarantine services for people without symptoms (OTG) are still running. Sample examination is also carried out even though the vaccination program is running.

He explained that even though the vaccination program had been carried out, and the number of new confirmed cases was not so significant, the new type of corona virus that causes COVID-19 still exists so that the public does not ignore health protocols.

People who have received vaccination services must continue to implement health protocols. Wash your hands diligently, always use a mask, and always keep your distance.

"Handling and preventing the spread of the corona virus is a shared responsibility. Continue to implement health protocols and adopt a healthy lifestyle to protect yourself and your family," he added.