Pornography Content Case, There Are 500 Photos Of Children From 5 To 12 Years Old

JAKARTA - The police have uncovered cases of spreading pornographic content through the Telegram application. Temporary investigation results, found more than 600 content of children aged 5 to 12 years.

"There are 1,237 contents or images of which 140 contain videos and the remaining almost 500 are in the form of images that are minors," said Director of Cyber Police Metro Jaya Kombes Roberto Pasaribu to reporters, Friday, January 10.

Unfortunately, in the pornographic content, some show a 5 year old child. While the rest is adult content.

"So if we can estimate the age from the age of 5 to 12 years and the rest is adult content," he said.

Thousands of these contents were obtained from several storage space applications. The data withdrawal process is said to be still not fully completed.

Therefore, it is possible that the amount of pornographic content will increase.

"As a result of digital forensic harassment, we found that there were 4 clay applications that were used as storage space," said Roberto.

In the case of spreading child pornography content, a person with the initials RYS has been named a suspect.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi said that in spreading pornographic content, the suspect created a group on the Telegram application.

For those interested in joining and gaining access to pornographic content, the price charged by the suspect is very cheap.

"To become members of the group distributed by the suspect, they only need to pay between Rp. 10,000 and Rp. 15,000 for a duration of 3 months," said Ade.