The Indonesian Car Patwal 36 Officer Who Was Arrogant On Sudirman Street Has Been Handled By The Metro Police

JAKARTA - The Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the National Police said that the patrol officer (patrol and escort) for the car with license plate number 36 who pointed to the taxi driver had been followed up.

"The Head of Pamwal Polda Metro Jaya has followed up because the personnel are members of Polda Metro Jaya," said Director of Law Enforcement (Dirgakkum) Korlantas Polri Brigadier General Raden Slamet Santoso as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, January 10.

Korlantas masih menunggu laporan lebih lanjut dari Polda Metro Jaya karena peristiwa itu terjadi pada Rabu (8/1) sore.

For the viral personnel who are considered arrogant people on the streets of Sudirman, Brigadier General Slamet apologized on behalf of the Police.

"For the actions of these personnel, we apologize to all people who feel disturbed," he said.

Previously, Brigadier General Slamet also emphasized that the act of pointing was not a proper act by Patwal officers.

"The name escort, of course all of them are trained, tested by all the officers. The escort officers should not point at, arrogant like that," he said.

Diketahui viral video di media sosial X yang menggambarkan seorang petawal patwal yang menunjuk-nunjuk seorang driver taxi.

In the video, a patwal officer who escorts a car with the number plate RI 36 opens the road in the midst of heavy traffic conditions on Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Jakarta.

A taxi then stopped because a truck stopped in front of him. When he was about to change lanes, the taxi was stuck because there was a car on the track he wanted to take.

As a result, the taxi blocked the patwal officer who was trying to pave the way. Because it was blocked, the officer pointed to the taxi driver.