Ready To Fight Against The Military Regime, This Is The Composition Of The Myanmar National Unity Cabinet

JAKARTA - The Committee for Representing the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH), a body formed from elected members of parliament from the civilian government that was overthrown by Myanmar announced an interim cabinet, in resistance to Myanmar's military regime.

As previously planned, the cabinet announcement will be made on Friday 16 April. There are a total of 26 people in the cabinet, including eight women. And, as estimated, this cabinet consists of 13 ethnic nationalities in Myanmar.

CRPH announced the lineup of its interim cabinet members at an online press event on Friday. This includes the president, state adviser, vice president, prime minister and 11 ministers for 12 ministries. There are also 12 deputy ministers appointed by CRPH.

Acting Vice President of Myanmar Mahn Win Khaing Than, appointed as interim Prime Minister. Deposed President Win Myint and State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi retained their previous positions, but were still being held in military custody at the time of reporting. While Duwa Lashi La was appointed Vice President.

The KNLA, the ethnic armed armed wing of the Karen National Union, has overseen protests against the Myanmar military regime (Twitter / @ sapphire_htet)

The CRPH consists mostly of lawmakers from the National League for Democracy (NLD) who were elected in Myanmar's 2020 elections but were unable to take their seats in the legislature due to the February 1 military coup.

A CRPH member, who spoke to Myanmar Now on condition of anonymity, said the cabinet was formed with the approval of several ethnic armed organizations (EAO) and would fit the political roadmap outlined in the Federal Democracy Charter.

The Federal Democracy Charter was issued by the CRPH on March 31, in conjunction with the repeal of the 2008 Constitution drafted by the Myanmar military.

The two-part charter lays out plans for a provisional national unity government, whose duties include working to undermine the governing mechanisms of the military regime, support the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM), and make arrangements for national defense.

According to the political roadmap outlined in the first section of the charter, the legislative and judiciary bodies will be formed following the formation of the national unity government. The charter also includes plans to establish a national convention for drafting a new constitution, which will be approved only after a national referendum is held.

The charter states that the national unity government will rule under a parliamentary system and will include a prime minister, president, state adviser and a vice president.

Creative action against the Myanmar military coup. (Twitter / @ GuideCivilian)

Under the charter, there are also plans to set up a National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) to coordinate cooperation among federal democratic powers. The NUCC will include representatives of CRPH, political parties, EAO, civil society organizations and CDM groups.

Dr. Lian Hmung Sakhong, the minister-appointed for federal union affairs, said at an online press conference on Friday afternoon that NUCC members would be announced within one week, although the council was originally supposed to be formed at the same time as the interim cabinet.

The interim cabinet was formed after a series of meetings between current CRPH members and leaders of several EAO and ethnic political parties, which were held after the NLD-led government's term officially ended on March 31.

Myanmar Temporary National Unity Cabinet President: Win Myint State Advisor: Aung San Suu Kyi Vice President: Duwa Lashi La Prime Minister: Mahn Win Khaing Than Minister of Foreign Affairs: Zin Mar Aung Wail Minister of Foreign Affairs: Moe Zaw Oo Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration : Lwin Ko Latt Deputy Minister, Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration: Khu Hte Bu Minister of Defense: Yee Mon Deputy Minister of Defense: Khin Ma Ma Myo Deputy Minister of Defense: Nai Kao Rot Minister of Federal Affairs: Dr. Lian Hmung Sakhong Deputy Minister for Federal Unity Affairs: Chit Tun Deputy Minister for Federal Unity Affairs: Mai Win Htoo Minister for Planning, Finance and Investment: Tin Tun Naing Deputy Minister for Planning, Finance and Investment: Min Zayar Oo Minister for Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management: Dr. Win Myat Aye Deputy Minister for Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management: Naw Htoo Paw Minister for International Cooperation: Dr. Sasa Minister of Education: Dr. Zaw Wai Soe Deputy Minister of Education: Ja Htoi Pan Minister of Health: Dr. Zaw Wai Soe Deputy Minister of Health: Dr. Shwe Pon Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation: Dr. Tu Hkawng Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation: Khun Bedu Minister of Women, Youth and Children Affairs: Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe Deputy Minister of Women, Youth and Children Affairs: Ei Thinzar Maung

Myanmar Coup. The VOI editorial team continues to monitor the political situation in one of the ASEAN member countries. Casualties from civilians continue to fall. Readers can follow the news surrounding the Myanmar military coup by tapping on this link.